Hares : Daisy Duke
Where : Parking Lot near Bitter Sisters, SW corner of Heritage Drive & Haddon Road SW
Attendance : Twenty… nine*
(*walkers and runners formed two separate groups of fewer than 20)
As the Calgary Hash House Harriers entered Stage 2 of Reopening the Hash, we introduced our CH3’s Open for Hashing Plan, in 10 simple and sometimes redundant measures:
- Trails are set for Monday nights.
- Run/walks begin at 7:00 pm for everyone
- Circle up at 7:00 pm
- All trails will have fully supported regroups
- Hash cash will be reinstated at $5 per run
- Down Downs will be outside
- On the Piss: hashers can congregate after the run in any local pub, within current restriction
- TGIF’s will no longer be virtual; they will be the typical random shit shows
- Masks are not required outside
- 2 metres distance must be maintained between members of different households
As this was the first regular hash in over 14 months, the hashing gods sent us not one, not two, but FOUR virgins. Tom, Jon, Aichee and Chuck showed up for one of the longest trails in recent hashtory. It also happened to be a scorcher of a day. They were troupers, though, and stuck it out to the bitter (sisters’) end.
This trail confirmed that Daisy likes ’em long (even longer than Hump the Shark). What a sizist. He also conveniently “lost” the onesie of shame while on trail. Luckily, a replacement Hash Shit was made available during down-downs.
Two milestones this week:
- Pyro (the legend) ran his 1269th run
- That firecracker Strap On Crampon celebrated her 100th. She happened to be wearing a Pyro vintage shirt and brought virgin Jon with her (featured). It’s a beautiful thing when the hash goes full circle. It brings beers to our eyes.