2223 – ⚠️ Slippery When Wet ⚠️ – Safety Trail

Hares: Slippy Thong and Lying Sack Of Shit
Where: Kilt & Caber Ale House, Calgary, AB
On-In: Kilt & Caber Ale House, Calgary, AB
RA: Strap-On Crampon
Attendance: 13

This couple of jet-setters has decided to touch down in Calgary long enough to grace us low-lives with their presence and give us the gift of trail. The hares will travel half way around the world for a Red Dress Run but when it comes to setting trail at home, they won’t venture outside the boundaries of their community… McKenzie Towne it is!

The hares

This trail has been dubbed the “Beastiality Trail” (or “animal lovers’ trail” if you prefer, but – as all hashers know – beastiality’s best):

  • Some hashers are akin to animals. One was said to have the eyes of a hawk for being able to see marks that no human eye should have been able to detect.
  • Some hashers just elicit the most visceral gut reaction from animals who feel their alpha status questioned… Can you blame the dog for wanting to assert his dominance over the ever-so-intimidating Hardly? Although it is said that Hardly was bit 😱. Let’s hope he’s ok.
  • Some love animals so much that they fall head over heels for them: Twisted Sister twisted her ankle whilst staring at ducks and almost fell off the sidewalk. (With a name like hers, she’s basically asking for it).

Speaking of “asking for it”: King Shit – that idjit – was played by Strap-On, who handed him the Hat Shit to hold, and he took it! Suits him right (oooh… that double entendre…)

Here are some more stunning photos:

The Pack
The RA