2229 – Summer Solstice ☀️

Hares: Booty Camp and Snow Blower
Where: Spruce Cliff Pathway Access SW, Calgary, AB
On-In: JJ’s Neighbourhood Pub, Calgary, AB
RA: Cam Shaft
Attendance: 26

The longest day of the year should – in theory – bring us the longest run of the year, but the hares delivered a trail of very average length. Competing technologies clocked a different kilometrage but it hovered around 5k. It was established that Liquor Lots is definitely way more athletic than Skewbic Hair as she does more check backs than him.

What the trail didn’t bring in length, it compensated for in girth beauty. For these hares, giving us beautiful trails is innate (ha! get it? because trail looks like an 8??)

Here are the highlights of tonight’s trail:

🐰 the hares:

⭕ the circle (now that’s a fiiine circle):

🏃‍♀️the athletes:

🎱the playas and sexual offenders:

😀 Hashers having a good time:

😠 Hashers having a good time and others being weird about it

(Snow Blower: “I’ll just hide here”. Cam Shaft: “I will cut you!”):

People pretending they have a life outside of the hash:

A trip down memory lane:

On on!