Hares: Snevil, Liquor Lots, Slippy Thong and Hardly?
Where: Flint Rock Ranch, Cowley, AB T0K 0P0
Joint-RA’s: Masterbeater and RubberMade
Attendance: 24
To recycle AP’s pun from 8 years ago: sometimes, hashing is in tents!
Our tip tog organizers booked us a ranch with cabins and an airstream trailer for the glampers and tenting space for the others.
The nice ranch people even built a deck around the swimming hole so hashers were asked to bring their swimsuits (or not, in Skewb’s case) and any inflatable devices to drink beer on.
Hashers were also asked to make sure they had wood.
Only a few tales surfaced on the interwebz so, we’ll just leave the goings-on in the aforementioned hole to your imagination (aided with the many photos which were however posted)
Based on the photographic evidence and on previous experience, here is what we can assume:
- trail was amazing;
- people drank way to much for their own good;
- there was some sort of midnight naked run initiated by Skewbic Hair and enthusiastically joined in by RubberMade;
- there were many references to penises

Pictures of trail: she was steep.

Calgary hashers are the best-looking hashers!

(Photos courtesy of Snevil, Lying Sack o’ Shit and Skewb)