Hares: Tighty Whitey
Where: Bitter Sisters Brewing Company, Calgary, AB
RA: (ex YYC hasher now visitor) Sticky Lips
Attendance: 24
So apparently, this was a sponsored run, brought to you by UNTAPPD. WTF is Untappd, you ask?? LMGTFY (Let Me Google That For You).
Hare Tighty Whitey is really into it, and not only does he share his achievements with the Untappd Community, but he also makes sure that the Calgary Hash House Harriers stay abreast of his progress. In case you’re not a part of either of these exclusive groups: he’s approaching unique beer #3500. (I only drink macro-brews myself so I don’t really get it; but it’s a big deal, I guess.)
So to celebrate his love of craft beers and/or OCD, TW set a (probably) most wonderful trail starting from one of Calgary’s breweries!
A bunch of hashers had gone to the Crowsnest Pass for the yearly Grimaldi* Adulting Weekend, so it’s surprising that attendance was still relatively high this Monday.
Anyhoo, the regular snitches and documenters were away so, we have little to work with other than King Shit’s compulsion to take photos of his dog (and other pooches).

On On!
* the name has been changed to protect the anonymity of the Hot Cheeks Family. Also, the Grimaldi name is classy and refined, much like those Adulting weekends.