2264 – Thunder Tits’s Memorial Run

Hares: Skewbic Hair, Hump the Shark, Dastardly
Where: Carburn Park, Calgary, AB
On In: The Station Pub and Grill, Calgary, AB
RA: RoaaarrRRring Naaancy
Attendance: 18

In loving mammary of Thunder Tits, Dastardly decided to hare this trail on the anniversary of her passing. And then he did his back in and called upon able-bodied hashers to do the work for him.

The pack met up at Carburn Park and the hares took us on a winding pilgrimage through Thunder Tits’s old stomping grounds. It was foggy and spooky.

Trail was a touch longer than people were comfortable with and only a couple of true athletes completed the “Eagle” trail while most settled for turkeying back to the car park.

A few archives came out for the occasion and we reminisced about the good old days of Thunder Tits.

May you rest in peace, TT.

On On!