2285 – The Last Minute Trail

Hares: Booty Camp & Snow Blower
Where: Rotary Park NE, Calgary, AB
On-In: Fiddler’s Courtyard, Calgary, AB
RA: On-In
Attendance: 26

Following a desperate post from our Hash Mattress that announced the end of the Hash unless someone stepped up to hare this Monday, two ballsy members came forward and agreed to set trail at the last hour.

From my experience, last minute hares set trails that are (counter intuitively) inversely proportionate in length to the length of the notice they got. Meaning: little notice long trail. Out of spite. Because that‘ll teach us.

This principle proved true this evening as I my internal GPS clocked tonight’s trail at nearly 9K. (8.87km to be precise. My internal GPS is *very * accurate)

Trail was beautiful; the hare was inspired. Some say he was on *fire*, so much so that he actually set some part of trail on fire and 6 firetrucks had to be called to put it out.

Hung Loose (or “Well Hung” as On-In likes to call him – he must have inside information) resurfaced after months in hiding.
Newly named Covered in Goo came out again, so he wasn’t totally put off by the name.

On On!