Run 2310 – Halloween Howl

An opportunity to find your best costume and try it on!

Hare: On-In and King Shit

Location: Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub

140 10 Ave SW, Calgary, AB, Canada

RA: Skewbic Hair

Attendance: 30

The Story

The run theme was a Halloween Howl, with dressing up encouraged. The plan was to set a run enabling the group to show off their creative costumes and to determine what type of attention they could attract. On-In and King Shit had crafted a run that would entertain us through the beltline and downtown Calgary, with multiple stops along the way!

The Beginning

A good group showed up, mostly in costume. The weather was cooperating so we did not have to have our snow suits on over our costumes this year. The circle formed outside of Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub much to the amusement and entertainment of the local community inhabiting the street and the high rise apartments in the area. Some very creative costume creations…….

We had a new boot, Brent, who was entertained by the antics of the group in anticipation of the run that followed. Announcements and introductions were performed by the Hashmaster, preparing for the trail description from the Hares.

On-In Conducting the Circle!

Hares tell the pack what they need to know, prior to releasing the pack!

A key consideration is that this trial was multi-stop and involved the use of public transit to successfully complete the trail. Apparently some of these key instructions went unheard for some of the pack.

The Trail

The pack dispersed into the street lit night. The marks were found and the hash was off! First distraction was the firefighters that parked adjacent to our circle. Their costumes looked very authentic, but apparently they were on duty saving the community and could not join us for the run.

Firefighters ensuring our safety

First regroup was across town in the shadow of Dicken’s Pub, a location that has hosted many a hash event. Apparently King Shit had recollection problems on where we were going. The sighting of the KAYAK mobile indicated that all was good.

From the first regroup, we were given explicit instructions to get to the C-Trail, take the Blue Line to City Hall, and await further instructions. As there are no rules in the hash, or “you can’t tell me what to do”, the group fragmented into “good listeners” and “free spirits”. Eventually, most of us got to where we needed to go.

At the City Hall C-Train station, we were instructed to make our way to Kak’s Bar & Podcast. A new place in the cool part of town, we invaded the place and enjoyed a refreshment courtesy of the generosity of the Hash group. Refreshments and atmosphere were good. The Podcast thing is something that you can not drink, and must listen to their program. See their website for more details.

The last leg of the run involved another regroup. A spontaneous soccer game was kicked off, as we have many talented athletes in our group. Thankfully, the distance was not far and the refreshments were good? The police rolled by and did not seem to be interested on what we were up to. Quickly done, off the Bottlescrews for the closing ceremonies.

Unintended, spontaneous soccer breakout and Regroup #3…..

The Trail Summary

The Down-Downs

The RA volunteer was Skewbic Hair, who was able to invent enough material for a program. Choir duties handled diligently by Hardly and Roaring Nancy. Many transgressions and offences were observed on trail and subsequently rewarded. Special call out to Little Bo Peep, who was attracting attention from both ends of the Spectrum. Luigi was very popular with his realistic costume, and made a lot of new friends on trail!

Down Down’s done, now on the piss!

Scribed by: Skewbic Hair