Hares: Daisy Duke and Lazy Cummer
Location: Crescent Heights High School NW
11 Ave & 2 Street NW (NW corner)
On-In: Paradise Brewing Company, 1319 Edmonton Trail #100, Calgary, AB T2E 2K5
RA: Hump the Shark
Attendance: 32

The Beginning
Thankfully, Daisy Duke and Lazy Cummer did not a major astronomical event getting in the way of setting trail. A partial solar eclipse is no big deal, however, they chose to wait util after the event was over to set their trail “on the day”. No point in setting trail if the world has come to an end.
Daisy and Lazy Cummer had selected a difficult to find parking lot in Crescent Heights NW as the starting point of the trail. Artfully timed to catch the rush hour and general congestion of a near downtown run location. Never the less, a trail was set and we are all thankful for that.
Arriving suitably late, the scribe did not have much of a story from the pre run activities in the parking lot. Apparently, the hares set the run at 5:00 pm. Scouted out the Two Pillars Brewing Company to conclude that it was too micro for the On-In. Good catch!
Wayne Gretzky cream and other pre run beverage were available, likely celebrating the fact the world was still functional post partial solar eclipse.
A good turn out of over 30 enthusiastic hashers, complete with visitors and new boots!

On-In got the circle started. Announcements and introductions, then the hares were call in to explain the great trail they had in store for the group.

The pack was released, and the confusion was engaged. From the top of Crescent Heights, you know that you will likely be going down, down, down to the Bow River with some great views.
The Trail
The false trails that were set from the start enabled the pack to get quite disoriented. Perhaps some post eclipse hangover was affecting judgement. Eventually, the marks were discovered and the pack found an early playground thankfully.

The trail did deliver to the height of Crescent Heights, with a great view of the city. There was no escaping the huge descent awaiting the pack.

The pathway was alive with people and dogs, creating some obstacles for the runners.

A major transgression of marking etiquette was committed by one of the canine runners. Surely, Poppy was not happy with the trail at this point.

Thankfully, the hash continued and a the pack was entertained with a tour of Princess Island, Centre Street Bridge and the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood.
In the interest of community service, Skewbic Hair cleaned up the detritus on the trail as not to upset the hasher with the poor housekeeping.

Eventually, the runners made it back to the regroup after 6+ km of grueling trail running.

Given the crime problems in the neighbourhood, the hash ensure we had suitable security around our prized beverage collection. Camshaft was ready to leap into action if required. He has been practicing his defensive Japanese crutch moves should trouble arise.

The group assembled and enjoyed a suitable refreshment, thinking how the nice warm weather had been replaced a cold and windy conditions. Not ideal for parking lot down-downs.
The adjacent Crescent Heights community centre had a wind reduced patio deemed suitable for down-downs. Insane Bolt and Liquor Lots prepared for the ceremonies. Hump the Shark seems to have no problem volunteering to be Religious Advisor. He may have found a permanent role with the group!

Hump selected Hot Cheeks and Strap-on Cramp-on as the choir. They seem pleased with the responsibility of selecting the songs for the group. The crimes were many. The new people and visitors were recognized. The usual suspects were recognized and a Hash Shit was handed off.

We made it through the down-downs and were declared “on the piss”. We decided to on-in at Paradise Beverage Company (formerly Elite Brewing). A small but cheerful group continued to celebrate the great trail and the end of the partial solar eclipse.
Scribed by Skewbic Hair.
The Trail
Something like 6 ish km’s. A fine trail.