Hares: Hardly and Can You Hear Me Now
Location: 7803 14 St NW #6955, Calgary, AB T3K 2P6
RA: Hump the Shark
Attendance: 18

Canada Day with a view!
The Beginning
The Canada Day Run is a Calgary hash tradition. Coincidentally, Canada Day falls on a Monday, a hashing day! Hardly and Twisty volunteered to look after the run and wind up with yummy food back at their place after the run. This was an afternoon run. In Calgary, that means that you can see the thunder storms closing in on you from a great distance. With a significant hail event the day before, we were paying attention to the colour of the sky.
The run start was at the Berkshire Gate parking lot for Nose Hill Park in the North West. This was an afternoon run, so we gathered together for a 2:00 pm start. The weather was great at the start of the run. The rain clouds were off in the distance, so not a problem yet!
On In got the circle together and we prepared for the Nose Hill run.

On In ran the circle. We have a milestone with Liquor Lots achieving 200 runs. Introduced our visitor from Wisconsin, USA, and got the hares in the circle to introduce the marks for today’s run.

Four flags indicated a “beer hunter” opportunity. Some beer had been placed in the forest for hashers to find! We were reminded that there is a lot of uphill in Nose Hill. Mountain climbing fans would not be disappointed.
With instructions complete, the hash was off.
The Trail
Nose Hill Park, to no one’s surprise, has hills. It also has wilderness areas. There was an abundance of grass, flowers, trails and views to be enjoyed.

After a thorough investigation of the available trails, the marks eventually lead us back to the start. In the parking lot, the regroup vehicle was complete with suitable refreshments and the dark clouds had left to rain somewhere else.

The hash completed the parking lot activities successfully, then on the food and down downs nearby.
Down Down’s and Festivities
No better way to celebrate Canada day then with a BBQ and beer. We filled up the back yard with happy hashers and enjoyed the chips and goodies prior to the down down’s.

Hump the Shark nominated himself for RA duties, and assigned Roaring Nancy and Rashy Bush as the choir!

Hump the Shark went through a comprehensive list of crimes, rewards, and offences.

And now, what we have all been waiting for, time to celebrate 200 runs for Liquor Lots. She has been in training for some time now, and was prepared to show us what she can do!

Not the fastest half yard consumption record, but a solid effort. A fine display of beer drinking competency.

With all the crimes and stories completed, it was declared to be “on the piss”, and let the BBQ begin!

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.
Trail Summary
A challenging trail run with sensational views and the bonus “beer hunter” experience. Something in the 4+ ish range, with the elevation changes to keep it real.