Run 2360 – Booty Camp and Snow Blower set the Labour Day Pride Run

Hares:   Booty Camp and Snow Blower

Location: The Booty Cam and Snow Blower Posh Estate

2023 17 Ave NW, Calgary, AB T2M 0S7

RA:  Hump the Shark

Attendance: 23

Pacing for Pride

The Beginning

Labour Day and Pride celebration are an interesting combination. Calgary Pride Festival on the Saturday and Sunday. Labour Day hash run on the Monday afternoon. Wear your best colourful outfit!

Booty Camp and Snow Blower hosted the run from their posh residence in the Banff Trail neighbourhood. A collection of 23 hashers showed up on a hot afternoon. There were visitors and a new boot to add to the interest of the group. A conflicting football game later in the afternoon made it difficult for some of our football inclined members to make it all work. As well, others were doing the Labour Day weekend out of town thing.

People kept arriving, showing off there finest pride themed running attire.

PMS showing that you are number 1 – twice?

A circle happened with introductions, the hares were brought into the circle to explain the marks, and the pack was released.

The Trail

The trail took in some of the finer trails in the Banff Trail and Capital Hill neighbourhoods. Some epic views were observed by both the runners and the walkers. Apparently, there was some fixation with fixed objects by the walkers.

There was an excessive amount of chalk used for some of the trail to ensure that no-one got excessive misdirected or lost.

The trail included some playground actions for those playful hashers.

Eventually the trail made it back to the start and the group went into down-down mode.

Down Downs

The Booty Blower backyard proved to be an excellent place for the closing ceremonies. People are looking happy and content.

Use your imagination to fill in the Religious Advisor performing the down down celebration. Likely the hares, new boots and visitors. I suspect a number of crimes were committed, but not many pictures to document the festivities. If there is some evidence, we can add it in here!

On the piss!

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

A fine trail of 5 to 6 kms. Looks like walkers did 3.5 km. A fine run and we thank our hosts and hares!

Scribe Extra

Weekend at a cottage in Windemere BC. Craft beer, eating and drinking, and fun on the lake. Fun time, but I missed the run.