Hares : Shakes Beer, Tightey Whitey, MMM LadyFingers & Fogg Horny
Where: UpperDeck Public House, 201 – 1104 6th Ave SW
Religious Advisor: Lying Sack of Shit
Attendance: 43

Hares : Shakes Beer, Tightey Whitey, MMM LadyFingers & Fogg Horny
Where: UpperDeck Public House, 201 – 1104 6th Ave SW
Religious Advisor: Lying Sack of Shit
Attendance: 43
Hares : Dementia and Fish ‘n’ Tits!
Where: Rose and Crown, 4th Street SW
Religious Advisor: Tighty Whitey
Attendance: 24
Considering we had many events to chose from aside from the most auspicious births of Dementia and Fish & Tits… Assassinations, Beatlemania, first ever Rolling Stone hit.. a new day for Feminism… the introduction of the best cereal ever… the movies were all iconic… we decided on theming it after the most classic of all classic suspense thrillers for Alfred Hitchcock’s – The Birds movie
Hares : Baby and others born in 1962
Where: Hose and Hound
Religious Advisor: Roaring Nancy
Attendance: 38
Hares : Dastardly, Snevil, Twisted Sister, Hardly, Sticky Lips, Lisol, Lying Sack of Shit and…
Where: Hudson’s Downtown, 1201 5 Street SW
Religious Advisor: Dr Fill
Attendance: 26