2241 – Regina Bound (and Gagged)

Hares: Business in the Back and co-hare Lazy Cummer
Where: Business Office – Business in the Back, 515/151 (or is it 511?) Scarboro Ave SW, Calgary
RA: Booty Camp
Attendance: 40

Business is being lured to the “greener” pastures of Regina! Tonight was his last trail with us before he begins is sentence.

Lazy Cummer and Business in the Back

This trail might as well have been called :Two dicks, one trail. Not just because of the hares (although they *are* a couple of assholes) but also because they cleverly shaped their trail as a couple of dicks (one big, one smaller). I wonder whose is which?

Strap-On Crampon was highly offended that the hares didn’t use her dick, which she thought was much better. She had mapped a trail of her own, in the shape of a better-looking penis (in her opinion) but the hares were satisfied with their own misshapen members and disregarded her turgid macrophallus.

The trail was the source of confusion right from the get-go as two separate addresses were listed on the website as the start of the trail. Our Edmontonian visitor took the hareline instructions very literally and went on knocking on some neighbourhood door looking for a “business in the back”? Evidently, this was because some dylsecix hahsre edited the hareline for it. Let’s blame, Skoob. Or King Shit.

The trail was extremely well marked. Some (Skewbie again) complained that it was in fact overmarked. True enough: there were marks every 3 meters, arrows galore and very few checks, which made for very long stretches of straight up running. (Now, if we were interested in training, we’d join the Running Room.) The rationale – said the hares – was that the trail *had* to be long and hard because their penises were erect.

Speaking of other running groups: it was brought to light that Business in the Back has other running friends! “Night Something” is the name of that other running group. We’re not mad, we’re just disappointed.

The trail was an all-around (and straight up up up) fun time. We had archives (Froggy), visitors (Man-AIDS from San Diego and Dark Side of the Moon from Edmonton) and virgins (Sarah and Owen).


2240 – August Spectacle in Fish Creek!

Hares: Abandoned Pussy
Where: Fish Creek – Shannon Terrace Amphitheatre, Calgary, AB
On-In: Gators Sports Pub SW, Calgary, AB
Attendance: 25

Why this run wasn’t entitled “Huzzah, PMS is back“, I don’t know 🤷.

Despite the run’s poor name choice, Abandoned Pussy gave us a wonderful trail. It was not too long, not too short, with just the right amount of wetness to keep us moist and refreshed.

This trail saw lots of race-ism (athleticism rather) and sexual offenses:

đźš´ The kidlets (Bah Bah Beer, Beer Crusher, Huggy Bear) and Hump the Shark were caught (separately) bike shaming electric bike riders calling them “cheaters”. Not everyone can be as athletic as us, you know.
🍑 Ménage à Trois was seen stripping on trail.
✨🚿 After his first round of chemo, Stool Stuffer’s bodily fluids are so toxic that there can be no golden showers for three days. Lying Sack kindly offered to cover for him for that period of time to avoid Rashy being disappointed.
🌳 Dastardly admitted to going for the bush and going down (and something about it being too hard)
đź‘ą Skewbic Hair was being creepy by luring people into the deep dark woods and he was heard breathing extra hard while running next to a harrierette.

We had two visitors from Vancouver: Nemo and Missing Link. Nemo put us all to shame by being the FRB most of the time. To even it out, Missing Link was DFL.

Runs that occur on the 22nd are tutu (2-2) runs, and most people got the memo (though not all remembered):

On on!

2239 – Stylish and Swanky Summer SoirĂ©e

(alternate naming: Sweltering, Slutty, Sexy Summer)

Hares: Hot Cheeks and MĂ©nage Ă  Trois
Where: MĂ©nage Ă  Trois and Hot Liquor’s back yard
RA: Someone appointed by Rashy Bush, maybe her hubby Stool Stuffer?
Attendance: 20-ish (TBD)

We are most grateful for a jolly good evening of splendid fun at Lady MĂ©nage and Sir Hot’s wonderful abode.

Our two organizers Lady MĂ©nage and her lady-in-waiting Cheeks set a most marvelous trail which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

A light supper of Cheet-ohs and Dorit-ohs followed. Guests had the good taste not to behave infra dignitatem, get absolutely blotto and make (complete) asses of themselves. With the exception of his royal highness King Shit, of course*. Luckily, “when drunk, [hashers] often become amorous or maudlin or vomit in public, but they never become truculent.” (Alan S C Ross, Linguistic class-indicators in present-day English, 1954)

*Since this was typed before the event even occurred, it might be utter poppycock. Who knows?

Pip Pip Cheerio!
PMS (see you soooooon!)

2238 – Matrimonial Bliss Run

Hares: Boo-Blow (Booty Camp and Snow Blower)
Where: Royal Sunalta Park, Calgary, AB
On In: Two House Brewing, Calgary AB
RA: Snevil
Attendance: 23

You know what they say: couples who hash together stay together! These two CH3 superstars met at a Calgary Red Dress event yeeeaaars ago (photographic evidence below) and they are still going strong! Tonight was their anniversary, and what more romantic evening than to set trail and hare together?

This Bennifer of Hashing set a trail that took us through their old stomping grounds. Kind of like a “Hash down memory lane”.

Here is what the RA Snevil reported back:

· Choir was held by On-in and Dastardly. Such seasoned hashers must have done a fine job of it.

· Snevil was miffed that – week after week – trails continually go past her house and hares have the audacity not to plan for a regroup there.

· Sexual offense: Harrierette Just-10 Beaver and newbie Just Bill ran down secluded cul de sacs together. Some name ideas were thrown around, possibly relating to his sexual prowess: Just-10 Seconds was a contender… In the end, he remains Just Bill for now.

· Liquor Quicker got lost on trail and was ultimately saved by the walkers.

In other news, here is the selection of this week’s most photogenic hashers:

There were other noteworthy moments:


2237 – Untappd Celebration Run

Hares: Tighty Whitey
Where: Bitter Sisters Brewing Company, Calgary, AB
RA: (ex YYC hasher now visitor) Sticky Lips
Attendance: 24

So apparently, this was a sponsored run, brought to you by UNTAPPD. WTF is Untappd, you ask?? LMGTFY (Let Me Google That For You).

Hare Tighty Whitey is really into it, and not only does he share his achievements with the Untappd Community, but he also makes sure that the Calgary Hash House Harriers stay abreast of his progress. In case you’re not a part of either of these exclusive groups: he’s approaching unique beer #3500. (I only drink macro-brews myself so I don’t really get it; but it’s a big deal, I guess.)

So to celebrate his love of craft beers and/or OCD, TW set a (probably) most wonderful trail starting from one of Calgary’s breweries!

A bunch of hashers had gone to the Crowsnest Pass for the yearly Grimaldi* Adulting Weekend, so it’s surprising that attendance was still relatively high this Monday.

Anyhoo, the regular snitches and documenters were away so, we have little to work with other than King Shit’s compulsion to take photos of his dog (and other pooches).

On On!

* the name has been changed to protect the anonymity of the Hot Cheeks Family. Also, the Grimaldi name is classy and refined, much like those Adulting weekends.