Run 2310 – Halloween Howl

An opportunity to find your best costume and try it on!

Hare: On-In and King Shit

Location: Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub

140 10 Ave SW, Calgary, AB, Canada

RA: Skewbic Hair

Attendance: 30

The Story

The run theme was a Halloween Howl, with dressing up encouraged. The plan was to set a run enabling the group to show off their creative costumes and to determine what type of attention they could attract. On-In and King Shit had crafted a run that would entertain us through the beltline and downtown Calgary, with multiple stops along the way!

The Beginning

A good group showed up, mostly in costume. The weather was cooperating so we did not have to have our snow suits on over our costumes this year. The circle formed outside of Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub much to the amusement and entertainment of the local community inhabiting the street and the high rise apartments in the area. Some very creative costume creations…….

We had a new boot, Brent, who was entertained by the antics of the group in anticipation of the run that followed. Announcements and introductions were performed by the Hashmaster, preparing for the trail description from the Hares.

On-In Conducting the Circle!

Hares tell the pack what they need to know, prior to releasing the pack!

A key consideration is that this trial was multi-stop and involved the use of public transit to successfully complete the trail. Apparently some of these key instructions went unheard for some of the pack.

The Trail

The pack dispersed into the street lit night. The marks were found and the hash was off! First distraction was the firefighters that parked adjacent to our circle. Their costumes looked very authentic, but apparently they were on duty saving the community and could not join us for the run.

Firefighters ensuring our safety

First regroup was across town in the shadow of Dicken’s Pub, a location that has hosted many a hash event. Apparently King Shit had recollection problems on where we were going. The sighting of the KAYAK mobile indicated that all was good.

From the first regroup, we were given explicit instructions to get to the C-Trail, take the Blue Line to City Hall, and await further instructions. As there are no rules in the hash, or “you can’t tell me what to do”, the group fragmented into “good listeners” and “free spirits”. Eventually, most of us got to where we needed to go.

At the City Hall C-Train station, we were instructed to make our way to Kak’s Bar & Podcast. A new place in the cool part of town, we invaded the place and enjoyed a refreshment courtesy of the generosity of the Hash group. Refreshments and atmosphere were good. The Podcast thing is something that you can not drink, and must listen to their program. See their website for more details.

The last leg of the run involved another regroup. A spontaneous soccer game was kicked off, as we have many talented athletes in our group. Thankfully, the distance was not far and the refreshments were good? The police rolled by and did not seem to be interested on what we were up to. Quickly done, off the Bottlescrews for the closing ceremonies.

Unintended, spontaneous soccer breakout and Regroup #3…..

The Trail Summary

The Down-Downs

The RA volunteer was Skewbic Hair, who was able to invent enough material for a program. Choir duties handled diligently by Hardly and Roaring Nancy. Many transgressions and offences were observed on trail and subsequently rewarded. Special call out to Little Bo Peep, who was attracting attention from both ends of the Spectrum. Luigi was very popular with his realistic costume, and made a lot of new friends on trail!

Down Down’s done, now on the piss!

Scribed by: Skewbic Hair

Run 2309 – She’s All Right

A Winter Wonderland Experience, courtesy of Snevil and Mother Nature

Hare: Snevil

Location: Local Public Eatery Barclay

201 Barclay Parade SW, T2P 4R5

RA: Hump the Shark

Attendance: 14

The Story

Winter is Here!

A bit of a weather change from the patio weather of the previous week. Enjoying libations outside at the Wild Rose Brewery, to full on winter in a numbers of days. The good news is that Snevil managed to carve out a fine trail for the smaller group of enthusiasts that chose to embrace the weather and run through an epic trail.

The Beginning

The Public Eatery, Barclay was a warm refuge prior to the run. Weather, traffic, motivation meant we had some contemplation time inside prior the facing the elements. Snevil spent some time ensuring that the dump of snow did not obliterate all the marks she had set the day before!

The Start

The group assembled in the cool outside location. PMS commanded the circle to order and we went through the announcements and introductions. Then Snevil took charge and described the fantastic run she had set prior to the arrival of the mark obliterating snow.

The Run

After some confusion at the beginning of the trail, a mark or two were observed by the diligent hashers. With the snow falling and the glare from the headlights, the group were able to find enough marks to engage the trail. Thankfully, PMS had the “secret map” of the plan, as apparently Snevil had injured herself remarking the trail, and was not able to enjoy the torture she had delivered to the pack in person. We ran on the trails by the river, over a bridge, through the wilds of Kensington, and or course, a brutal check back up a long set of stairs. Eventually, we made it back through Princess Island Park and discovered where the regroup was hiding.


After considerable distance had been covered, we were rewarded with a regroup in the stairs of the Eau Claire Market. Dastardly had beer, cider and hot chocolate for the group. A fine regroup it was.

You are Number One!

Down Down’s

To end a great run, Hump the Shark selected a person to perform the RA duties. Hump self selected, a benefit of being the RA coordinator who knows what a fun time is. Various and sundry offences were contrived and much merriment was had by the group. Best snow run of the Fall!

The Trail

Run and down-down’s done. On the Piss!

Your scribe, Skewbic Hair

2308 – A Princess and a Strap-On

Hares: PMS and Strap-On Crampon
Where: Governors’ Pub

675 Acadia Dr SE, Calgary, AB T2J 0B8

RA: Hump the Shark
Attendance: 33

The Starting Circle

The Story

A fine trail was set by PMS and Strap-On Crampon. Weather was good as we have yet to see snow this fall. Darkness, however, is a thing as the set now sets before the run start. This will only get worse as we drift toward winter.

A good turn out of 33 people. The circle was conducted by On-In who got things rolling. Visitor Rumple Dickskin from Edmonton was welcome.

The radiant and talented tag seem of PMS and Strap-On has big plans for the hash. As evidenced by the size of their chalk, this was going to be a serious run.

Special features of the run included a “Pit Stop”, which mean extra beverages before the regroup! How much fun is that?

The Trail

The marks took us through the neighbourhoods of Willow Park and Maple Ridge. The effort that was put into challenging false trails did not disappoint the front runners. Much confusion was delivered as the marks delivered to streets, parks and back alleys. There was some evidence of the upcoming Halloween celebration, including this guy who was hung up in a tree.

Pit Stop

Friends of Strap On were volunteered to host the group for a Pit Stop. After beer was consumed, we honoured them with a song.

The Pit Stop was followed by a regroup prior to settling down into the pub for the on-in!


RA Coordinator nominated himself for the Religious Advisors duty. A choir was formed and the ceremony began.

Many offences were called out and rewarded with a down-down. Some of the action is shown here.

Of note, it was a milestone run tonight. PMS has achieved 400 runs and was duly rewarded with a suitable trophy. I sure she will find a suitable location to display this fine piece of art.

On the piss….

Skewbic Hair – Scribe

Run Information

Around 7 km .

2307 – Thanksgiving Feast Run

Hares: Hardly and Twisty
Where: Hardly and Twisty’s Place

104 Bermuda Way NW, Calgary, AB

RA: Dastardly
Attendance: 16

What you missed…..

The Story

For all those Hashers that chose to travel to warmer climes on the Thanksgiving Day weekend, we can report you missed the warmest weekend on record. The +26 C temperatures, brilliant sunshine, and perfect running conditions means you missed the best Thanksgiving Run and Feast ever. The select group that chose to come and play were not disappointed.

The group arrived to settle into pre run refreshments in the garden area of the run start location. We had visitors from Mexico, long lost hashers, and new people to compliment the regulars!

Hashers gathered on the driveway of Dirty Dancer, who conveniently lives across the street from Hardly/Twisty, and offered his pavement as a starting point for the trail.

Happy hasher who have no clue what is in store for them.

In the absence of any current hashmasters, Liquor Lots took charge and conducted the circle. As the Past Master, her organizational skills were still sharp!

Liquor Lots in Action!

A difficult task as it was almost too nice to run. However, out of respect for the hares who had invested countless hours setting a challenging trail for both the runners and the walkers, the group was “off”

The Trail

The trail was marked primarily in “T”, symbolizing the turkey we were all there to enjoy. The oppressively warm weather meant light clothing with not a down vest in sight on any of the runners. The blinding sun was reminiscent of crossing a vast desert. Endless blocks of marks, leaves, pathways and and overabundance of Halloween decorations adorning the lawns of Beddington and Sandstone communities.


Eventually, after al the false trails were explored and no more “T”‘s were to be found, the pack was rewarded with the regroup. A find selection of cool libations and fellowship was enjoyed by all.

Down Downs and Feasting

After a satisfying regroup, the pack reassembled in the garden backyard of the Hardly/Twisty mansion to conduct the closing ceremonies.

The usual list of offences and charges were delivered to the unsuspecting group. Karate Clit and Hash Test Dummy were selected for choir duties and did a fine job. Here is an taste of what transpired.

Of note, was a hashers birthday…. On the day! Liquor Lots is now one year older and her significant day was celebrated by the group! Like fine wine, things get better with age.

I believe she is revealing that she is 24….


What happens at the feast, stays at the feast. Epic amount of turkey, dressing, vegetables, desert, wine and merriment were had by all. Those that were there know how good it was!

Best Thanksgiving Feast Run ever!

On On Scoobie

Run Route (for those interested)

2306 – T&R Orange Shirt Run

Hares: Hump the Shark
Where: Courtyard Pub, Calgary, AB

RA: Booty Camp
Attendance: 26

The Story

A fine trail was delivered by Hump the Shark to entertain the hash. In the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, the runners were encouraged to wear something orange.

The group formed in the North East of Crescent Heights neighbourhood, at the Fiddlers Courtyard, after hunting for appropriate parking. The circle formed and the new Hashmatress, PMS, took charge.

PMS is the New Hash Mattress, supported by On-In… The new regime!

Good attendance and we had a new boot! Rowena, who has connections through the secret ski club, courtesy of Hot Cheeks.

Hump the Shark described the marks for the run, indicating that there were three T&R features to find. The pack muddled off and eventually found the trail, through the Crescent Heights with great views of the city.

PMS sees something going on in that apartment!
Hum the Shark
Waiting for Hashers to find his trail…

We eventually found the trail that lead us through the neighbourhood, which did have some elevation changes. The problem with downhill is there is usually a corresponding uphill. The Reconciliation Bridge was traversed over to the south side of the Bow River.

Happy Hashers crossing the bridge….

East Village and Fort Calgary were explored. The new site for the T&R park was observed at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow rivers!

As darkness settled in, the run continued back over the Bow River to the North Side. Much random trail tracking, with the requisite “false trail” at the top of the stairs in Bridgeland.

Thankfully, for those that ran the alternate trail, the regroup was found without having to give up the elevation achieved from the stair workout. Much mirth and merriment was had for those that were present. Apparently, our new boot was not aware of the regroup, and headed back to the bar. She was educated and made it back for the fun and refreshments!

Regroup with a view!

Finally, back to the bar, refreshments and food were obtained, and the down down’s commenced through the fine work of our RA, Booty Camp. The new boot was acknowledged, Hung Loose finally made 100 runs, and any many transgressions were rewarded with a beverage and a song. Here is a collage of some of the misgivings…..

Of note, is that this date was the wedding anniversary of some hashers who felt it was important to support the club and drink beer on there special day! 24 years of marital bliss….

Skewbic Hair and Mucky Dip celebrating in style…


Your scribe, Skewbic Hair!