Hares: Insane Bolt
Location: Jameson’s Pub, 3790 Brentwood Rd NW, Calgary, AB T2L 1L1
On-In: Kilkenny Irish Pub, 3630 Brentwood Rd NW #500, Calgary, AB T2L 1K8
RA: Roaring Nancy
Attendance: 30
The Beginning
As St. Patrick’s day is a tribute to all things Irish, it was only appropriate to theme the run around this day, even though we were one day off. As a consequence, the pub was low on beer stocks as the revelers had been very busy clearing them out of beer.
Insane Bolt stepped up to hare this trail, and the Hash is thankful that we get to run in the posh NW quadrant and take in two Irish pubs! The weather was unseasonably warm, and shorts were observed on some of the hashers.
We started at the Jameson pub, Busy with people, but they had a couple of tables for us. We even had a visitor (Trump something from Utah) and a new boot (Amy). Good turn out!
The circle formed in the parking lot and things got rolling with On-In leading the circle.

Insane Bolt was called in to describe the madness he had planned for us. Both a runners and a walkers trail planned.

The Run
We were directed to find the marks and pointed a direction. The pack dispersed and the run was afoot. Something in the 6 km range was planned

The Regroup
Thankfully, a regroup appeared just when needed. These was much social interaction and beer drinking here.

The On-In
We took over a section o the Kilkenny Irish Pub prior to the commencement of the down-downs. A big group with not a lot of seating. We all jammed in and it was good!

The Down Down’s
Roaring Nancy was the Religious Advisor who looked after the down-downs. He called for a choir of Dastardly, Hardly and Skewbic Hair to supply him with suitable songs for his long list of crimes.
All was well, and the hares, new boots, visitors and other offenders were called up to be recognized.

Pictures were a bit light as the photo guy was stuck in the choir.
On the piss!
Scribed by Skewbic Hair