Tag Archives: Boxing Day

Run 2378 – Boxing Day Boxer Shorts Run

Hares:   Hardly and Twisty

Location: Hardly and Twisty’s Place NW

104 Bermuda Way NW, Calgary, AB T3K 1G9


RA:  Skewbic Hair

Attendance: 14

Boxing Shorts Run on Boxing Day

The Beginning

A tradition in the Calgary Hash is to conduct a Boxing Day Run after Christmas, which hashers adorned with boxer shorts, a box, or other costume to celebrate this special day.

As this is an afternoon run, no headlights required. The group assembled at the Hardly Twisty residence in the NW community of Beddington.

The group of intrepid daytime hashers assembled in the Boxing day finery in anticipation of the run. With Boxer shorts and other box themed costume, the group was ready to run.

I wonder who belongs to those boxes?

Conveniently, hashers Dirty Dancer and Mouthful live across the street from Hardly and Twisty. Not only were they in attendance, but the hash used their driveway for the circle!

In the absence of anyone that looked like a Hash master, Hash mattress or Past-it-master, Booty Camp conducted the circle. She know the correct number for the run and went through the introductions.

Booty Camp introduced the hares and we were given a description of the marks to expect for this run. Circles were replaced by squares The group needed some time to figure out what this meant, but eventually figured out that the squares were in fact boxes.

The hash was released to find the check backs that Hardly had placed at the beginning to destabilize the pack. Eventually, true trail was discovered and followed

The Trail

Beddington is on the side of Nose Hill. As such, there is an overabundance of uphill that was delivered to the group. No getting away from it.

Through the sidewalks, streets alleys and pathways, marks were in abundance.

Eventually, we were delivered to a plateau with a view of the airport. A group photo of those that chose to be part of the running faction.

Happy Hashers
Airport this way!

The hair did not want us to think that the viewpoint was the peak of the run, there was more uphill to be discovered and the distance increased.

Some of the pathway features were quite interesting. Apparently, it is good practice to chain up your buffalo statue to prevent theft.

Rashy Bush was out to set a personal best with her speed and perseverance. How to go from front of the pack to the back of the pack with the discovery of some key check backs.

The walkers provided some evidence of live hares on the trail, plus some interesting Christmas decorations.

Thankfully, it was all downhill to the regroup where beverages and snacks were available.

Beverages and shelter for post run celebrations

The down down’s were conducted in the garage. A good choice instead of making a mess in the kitchen!

The Down Down’s

Skewbic Hair was pre-selected to be the religious advisor for the afternoon. He solicited material from the group and imagined a program for the celebration.

Normally tied up with photo taking for the run, Scoobie offloaded the task to Tighty Whitey for the down down’s.

Too bad we did not get the whole can of beer in the frame..

Scoobie requested that the group think of songs, as a choir was a bit much for the special group. The hares were called up first and we sang them a fine song about the shitty trail.

A number of offences were observed on trail and a series of down down’s were delivered,

The photographer declared that we needed a group photo to share with those that were not able to be here is person. Look at all the fun they missed!

Look at all this fun!

With everything complete, it was time for Scoobie to declare “on the piss” so we could move on to the feasting portion of the day.

On the piss,

The Hardly Twisty’s put on a fine feast of pot luck goodies. Very yummy and tasty. Nothing like a big feast in the afternoon to bulk up for the post Christmas season!

Trail Summary

A challenging trail through the hilly neighbourhoods, lasting somewhere between 5 and 6 kms. Great views and plenty of uphill!

Hash Extra

As you may or may not be aware, the is the location that donated the Christmas tree to the Alberta government MacDougall School this year.

Ask Auntie Frank if he has any idea how this happened……

RUN 2320 – Boxing Day Boxer Shorts Run

Hares:  Hardly and Twisted Sister

Location:  Chez Hardly and Twisty, Beddington, NW Calgary

RA: Stool Stuffer

Attendance: 19

Boxing Day Run!

The Beginning

With the calendar enabling to have hash after hash after hash, it was now time for the traditional Boxing Day – Boxer Shorts run. Hardly and Twisty volunteered to set trail and host the crew of runners and walkers who had not yet succumbed to the over abundance of Christmas cheer, given that Monday was Christmas Day…. and there was a run to be had!

The weather cooperated and it was a warm, sunny day well suited for an afternoon run through the wilds of Beddington. Temperatures in excess of 10 C were observed on the drive up to the run. Global warming is adorning the hard packed ice and snow with a delightful layer of meltwater, just perfect for loss of traction.

The group parked on the street and assembled on a sunny driveway across the street. Dirty Dancer and Mouthful are used to their sunny driveway being overrun by hashers, so did not call the police to remove the unruly gang of anxious and loud hashers.

Boxer shorts fashion show.

Circle up was called, and On-In lead the group through the opening ceremonies. Hardly described the marks for the run, confirmed that the run conformed to the Abu Dhabi convention, and to disregard any ancient marks from previous trails set in the neighbourhood. B was the letter of interest for those following true trail.

The Run

The pack was released to find the true trail. Of course the first long downhill segment lead to a check back. After much milling around and discovering other false trails, evidence to the true trail emerged.

There were playgrounds to be enjoyed. Hardly had selected a portion of the neighbourhood that was rich with PG’s. Unruly hashers took to swinging, teetering, and shopping cart thrills. I do not suspect we will be welcome back.

Finally, after an exhausting trail, the end was near. BN spotted on the post meant that beverages would soon be available to quench our overpowering thirst. A crowd gathered on the sidewalk in anticipation of refreshments to follow.

Regroup and Down Down’s

In spite of global warming, the regroup was held indoors so we can bask in the shadow of and warmth of our carbon footprint.

As we enjoyed our beverages, the call was made to a spontaneous RA to do the closing ceremonies. Stool Stuffer did not decline quick enough and was elected to conduct the down downs.

The group packed into the section of the house that was beer spill resistant, and Stoolie launched into his program. Choir…. whoever could remember a song. Content? Clever hand off to the down-down recipient to select the next victim. A fine display of mirth and merriment, in keeping with the drinking season we are in the middle of. Down down to the hares and hosts, down downs for the check back champions, Christmas sock wearers and best boxers. Blue Balls has chosen to be the fastest runner in the hash! Another down down. It keeps on going until On-In declares “on the piss”.

Serious group worried about being singled out for crimes and offences

And the winner is! Best shopping cart adventure ride of the trail.

Best shopping cart ride ever!

The Trail

Something close to 5 km in the warm sunny weather!

Scribed by Skewbic Hair