Tag Archives: Dover

Run 2361 – Stoolie and his Stuff from Valleyview Park SE

Hares:  Stool Stuffer and Rashy Bush

Location: Valleyview Park SE

Dover, Calgary, AB T2B OL4


RA:  Roaring Nancy

Attendance: 21

Downtown View from Dover SE

The Beginning

Stool Stuffer volunteered to set trail. Weather was in transition from way to hot to summer is over. Apparently, the run was cool and windy, and the days are getting shorter.

The run start was Valleyview Park SE, in the community of Dover. Some might say it is on the wrong side of the Deerfoot Trail, but, as such, offers some great views. If you can look past the big highway, you can see downtown and the Bow River.

With school now in, our wandering teachers are now back in town, for the most part. An enthusiastic group gather in the parking lot and the circle formed.

Stool Stuffer and Rashy Bush explained the marks and what to look for on the trail. Be careful of the shiggy and prickly things.

Looks like: On, Check, Check Back, Beer Near, Beer Very Near and Regroup

The pack dispersed to find the marks along the trails and in the neighbourhoods nearby.

The Trail

From the parking lot, the trail lead into the neighbourhoods. A combination of streets and pathways as well as some of the finer amenities that the Dover neighbourhood has to offer.

Bench in need of repair.
Nice view!

The city has adopted some of the hash markings for their local needs.

Eventually the trail ran out of marks and the trail was over.

The Down Down’s

Back at he parking lot, the chairs came out and the down down circle formed.

Religious Advisor for the week was Roaring Nancy. He was supported by a choir of Lazy Cummer, Snow Blower and Hardly.

Choir: Hardly, Lazy Cummer and Snow Blower

Numerous crimes were committed. Some of which included:

Hares – Rash and Stoolie, Racists – Slippy Thong and PMS, Triple X-Ray had no chair, so borrowed one. Daisy Duke and his horn, Hump the Shark – 300 runs, but forgot the 1/2 yard vessel. Hash Shit material.

As your hash scribe was absent for the run, the crimes and the pictures are not necessarily all there. Just goes to show you have to be there to take it all in.

On the piss.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

Trail distance was close to 6 km. A scenic run through the neighbourhoods of Dover and Southview.

Scribe Addendum

Golfing in Kananaskis could have been worse.