Hares: Hump the Shark
Location: Rashy Bush and Stool Stuffers Place – Fairview SE
RA: King Shit
Attendance: 21

The Story
The annual Grey Cup football game is the pinnacle of the Canadian Football League season. We plan a special afternoon run prior to the game, the come back to eat, drink and celebrate with a game watch party. This year, however, the home team neglected to succeed in sufficient victories to participate in this years match. As such, the choice was cheering for Winnipeg, or Montreal. A tough choice for those in Alberta.
The Beginning
We were blessed with great weather for late November, with temperatures around 10 C. 21 Hashers appeared at the Stool Stuffer/Rashy Bush dream house in Fairview to participate in the trail. The group invaded their space and proceeded to chat and socialize prior to the circle.

The Circle
Eventually, the circle was called to order by PMS. There were a number of announcements for the group prior to going through the introductions. Here are a few photos of the circle.

The Trail
The hares were released to find the marks that Hump the Shark had set to mark the trail. Not to be confused with the plethora of “F” marks legacy of the recent Full Moon Hash, the primary marking was a “G“, symbolizing the Grey Cup theme for the run.
As the scribe was part of the walking contingent, not a lot to report on the true trail, except is was epic! This neighbourhood has a high level of inflatable Christmas ornaments. It appears the some sort of virus was ripped through the neighbourhood as many unblown Christmas characters were observed. I expect this problem to be solved before the big day.

After a challenging trail (and walk), the regroup appeared in the backyard of the host’s mansion. A suitable smokeless fire pit was filled with wet wood and other debris with hope of a warm, smokeless fire experience. Drinking and chatting were in order prior the the down downs commencing.

The Down-Downs
King Shit was the RA for the down-downs. An great display of wit and humour.
KS did a fine job of appointing On-In to appoint a choir, who were Slippy Thong, Snow Blower and Skewbic Hair. Such talent was graciously appreciated by the group.
A fine set of closing ceremony accusation were dreamed up and some fine singing was delivered. KS even had a cheat sheet to make sure he stayed on track! Apparently PMS has some secret French beer, Meteor branded. She seemed to enjoy it! A taste of home!
A little thin on evidence of the down-down’s as the photographer was tied up with choiring.
Game Watch Party
We snacked and drank and chatted until the Grey Cup football game started. Very impressive number of commercials that had to be watched, interspersed with some football action. The Western guys were winning at half time. The Green Day half time show reminded us how old we are all getting. Stoolie and Rashy put on some yummy food. Epic success! Apparently, the Montreal team produced a victory!
Scribed by Skewbic Hair
On On.