Tag Archives: Great Trail

Run 2361 – Stoolie and his Stuff from Valleyview Park SE

Hares:  Stool Stuffer and Rashy Bush

Location: Valleyview Park SE

Dover, Calgary, AB T2B OL4


RA:  Roaring Nancy

Attendance: 21

Downtown View from Dover SE

The Beginning

Stool Stuffer volunteered to set trail. Weather was in transition from way to hot to summer is over. Apparently, the run was cool and windy, and the days are getting shorter.

The run start was Valleyview Park SE, in the community of Dover. Some might say it is on the wrong side of the Deerfoot Trail, but, as such, offers some great views. If you can look past the big highway, you can see downtown and the Bow River.

With school now in, our wandering teachers are now back in town, for the most part. An enthusiastic group gather in the parking lot and the circle formed.

Stool Stuffer and Rashy Bush explained the marks and what to look for on the trail. Be careful of the shiggy and prickly things.

Looks like: On, Check, Check Back, Beer Near, Beer Very Near and Regroup

The pack dispersed to find the marks along the trails and in the neighbourhoods nearby.

The Trail

From the parking lot, the trail lead into the neighbourhoods. A combination of streets and pathways as well as some of the finer amenities that the Dover neighbourhood has to offer.

Bench in need of repair.
Nice view!

The city has adopted some of the hash markings for their local needs.

Eventually the trail ran out of marks and the trail was over.

The Down Down’s

Back at he parking lot, the chairs came out and the down down circle formed.

Religious Advisor for the week was Roaring Nancy. He was supported by a choir of Lazy Cummer, Snow Blower and Hardly.

Choir: Hardly, Lazy Cummer and Snow Blower

Numerous crimes were committed. Some of which included:

Hares – Rash and Stoolie, Racists – Slippy Thong and PMS, Triple X-Ray had no chair, so borrowed one. Daisy Duke and his horn, Hump the Shark – 300 runs, but forgot the 1/2 yard vessel. Hash Shit material.

As your hash scribe was absent for the run, the crimes and the pictures are not necessarily all there. Just goes to show you have to be there to take it all in.

On the piss.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

Trail distance was close to 6 km. A scenic run through the neighbourhoods of Dover and Southview.

Scribe Addendum

Golfing in Kananaskis could have been worse.

Run 2359 – Fingers on the Shaft Run – Wentworth SW

Hare:   Camshaft and Mmmmmm Lady Fingers

Location: Wentworth Square SW Basketball Courts

49 Wentworth Square SW, Calgary, AB T3H 0E2


RA:  Lying Sack of Shit

Attendance:  25

Look what we found on the run!

The Beginning

Camshaft and Mmmmm Lady Fingers took a break from their hectic vacation and travel schedule to set a hash run for the group. The actual location was worth waiting for, as it was in a neighbourhood that we have not been to much. The community of Wentworth, in the SW is really far west. Think Canada Olympic Park and south. Thankfully, Google knew where to go, and access off the new ring road made this location very accessible!

A park in a new neighbourhood, with a basketball court, was the starting point. Parking was limited but available, once the fire hydrants were figured out. All was well and we attracted a crowd of 25 hashers.

The hashers arrived and a circle began to form.

The circle is taking shape

PMS ran the circle and it was good. Hares, Camshaft and Mmmmmm Lady Fingers went through the marks for the trail.

These marks are important

With the marks described, the pack was released. Playgrounds were promised.

The Trail

The pack found the marks and followed the trail. A combination of paved and wilderness trail was revealed to the runners.

There was a tunnel that we had to navigate under Bow Trail. Parks appeared and there was much playing enjoyment by both the runners and the walkers.

A particularly dangerous swing was discovered that had “hospital visit” written all over it. This was a source of great mirth and merriment for some.

Eventually, the trail wound down and the regroup was discovered.

Regroup and Down Down’s

Hidden in plane site, the regroup was tucked into the construction equipment close to the active building sites. High density housing is happening here!

Regroup with convenient seating on the adjacent equipment
Hardly last to arrive at the regroup

The group redeployed to the starting location and set up for a down down circle.

Down Down circle

Lying Sack of Shit was appointed as Religious Advisor. A pink shirted choir of King Shit, Liquor Lots and Mmmmm Lady Fingers was selected to deliver the ceremony.

LSOS in the RA zone

And so it begins. Crimes and punishments galore. LSOS had the liability of a hash shit that he wanted to move along. Multiple “big group” down downs ensured all the drinks were dispensed with.

Moving the hash shit along did not go as planned. LSOS had to make up a story the ultimately gifted the spanking monkey to the originator PMS.

On the Piss declared and we are done.

The police dropped by to see if there was anyone disturbing us, as they had some calls. Our response is that we were not being disturbed and if we were, we would call them back! They liked are set up and told us to have a nice evening. Could have ended differently!

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

The trail was around 6 kms. Great trail in new territory.

Run 2356 – Insane Bolt Provides Another Loonie NW Adventure

Hare:   Insane Bolt

Location: Silver Point Pub & Eatery

5720 Silver Springs Blvd NW #8, Calgary, AB T3B 4N7


RA:  On In

Attendance:  20

Viewpoint on the Run – Cliff Diving Opportunity?

The Beginning

We have to be grateful to the Pyro clan for stepping up to run setting in the peak vacation period. Pyro saved the Hash last week, and Insane Bolt stepped up to set trail. We have seen more of the NW in the last month than we have in the last year!

Insane is noted for setting challenging trails.

Hashers arrived at the Silver Point Pub parking lot in anticipation of a great trail. It would appear that there was an archive hasher that showed up, Veggie Wanker. Has not been out for some time. Sloppy seconds returned. He is becoming a regular hasher!

Insane Bolt explained the marks. There was an Eagle /Turkey split for those so inclined.

The Trail

Silver Springs community has an extensive pathway network along the Bow River. Some great climbs with spectacular views. Looks like the pack was going to find them all!

Eventually, the trail was done and the regroup/down down’s were ready to enjoy.

Down Down’s

Parking lot down down’s. The group settled in to enjoy the performance and celebration

On In was the Religious Advisor. He selected a choir of Snow Blower, Camshaft and Blue Balls. A number of crimes were called out.

Eventually, the down downs were declared over, and we were “on the piss”

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

A fine wilderness and pathway trail with considerable up and down. Distance in the 7 km range.

Scribe Extra!

As your scribe is on vacation at the cottage in Manitoba, the write up was done remotely with material supplied by others.

More importantly, the front steps and entranceway of the cottage are now painted!

Back in Calgary for the next run….

Run 2355 – Pyro Has Plans for the Hash

Hare:   Pyro

Location:  Baker Park – Off Shriners Road NW


RA:  Hump the Shark
Attendance:  22

Trail Might Be this Way!

The Beginning

We thank Pyro for setting trail in August. Pyro saves the hash once again and we appreciate the effort. Close to home in the NW, Pyro chose the West End of Baker Park for the run start. Not to be confused with the “other” start point in Baker Park that Hump the Shark chose last month. A clarification e-mail confirmed the start point location and a group of 22 intrepid hashers showed up for the run!

Apparently, Lumberjack made an appearance. As he is now a Vernon BC resident, it was a while since he has enlightened the Calgary group with his presence. Lumberjack attracted another archive, Party Pumper, who came out to play. Perhaps a reunion of the Lumby dancers is in the works for a future hash?

The dusty parking lot was the start venue.

As the usual hash photographer and scribe was elsewhere, the notes and pictures were supplied by others. As such, not much from the start of the run.

I am sure that On In got the circle together. Announcements were conducted. Welcome if the archives, Lumber Jack and Party Pumper. Dastardly had a milestone run. The group went through the names.

Pyro was called into the circle to describe the marks he had selected for the trail.

Let the adventure begin and the pack was off!

The Trail

Down to the river. Explore the catacombs of urban design. Uphill and around about. Through the pathways and ravines of Tuscany.

No shortage of photo opportunities for the photogenic sector of the group. We should use this to promote new membership!

They are all number 1!

It would appear that the run was successful! The joy and satisfaction of a run well done was ready to be rewarded!

The Regroup and the Down Down’s

The circle of chairs was formed and the outdoor down down show was assembled. Creative creation of an outdoor table from a cooler lid and cases of beer!

Hump the Shark nominated himself to be RA. Choir was Hardly and Lazy Cummer.

This list of crimes and punishments was extensive. So extensive that it was duly documented by the RA. Crimes in the captions of the photo’s.

After an extensive number of songs and frivolity, the group settled down to some munching and drinking. On the piss was declared by Hump the Shark!

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

Looks like 6-7 km of trail was run. No casualties, except for that lost and found phone thing.

Scribe Extra

Another taproom in Winnipeg with fine, tasty beer. Also, we can report a new craft brewery has opened in Moosomin, SK. White sand beach in Grand Beach, Manitoba!

Run 2354 – On In Selects On In to Set Trail

Hare:  On In

Location:  67 Glenbrook Pl SW, Calgary, AB T3E 6W4


RA:  Hump the Shark
Attendance:  13

Any chance that is a false trail? Are those dark clouds?

The Beginning

August long weekend and the interest in trail setting was low. On In canvassed the group to no avail, and thus selected himself to set trail to ensure the survival of the hash. The burden of the hashmaster.

A suitable run start was selected at the old furniture store, with an available parking lot for outdoor down downs. The smaller group assembled and prepared for the run.

There was a weather situation developing. Something about huge rain and huge hail. Not to worry as we could see that the storm cells would start with the northern communities before we got our share. No reason to panic.

Once a fine place to buy fine furniture

On in calls the circle to order and shows us the marks he has made to describe the trail. Mention of a VP (view point), suggested we would be doing some hill climbing to catch the view.

On In pointed in a direction and the pack was released.

The Trail

Off through the parking lots. False trails were set to provide extra running potential for some.

The false trail at the view point was a nice touch. Back down the stairs to find true trail and some playgrounds for our playing pleasure.

Not all fun and games, there was more trail to be discovered.

Regroup and Down Down’s

The pack made it back to the starting parking lot where refreshments and snacks were available.

An unfortunate incident occurred with a delicious expensive Alberta whiskey product, purchased by a hasher while on trail. So sad, but the smell was delicious.

Hump the Shark was Religious Advisor, self appointed. As the weather was deteriorating quickly, we performed an expedited version of the down downs so we could dispense to safety before the hail emergency.

A fine trail and a fine evening. On the piss declared. Scramble to leave before the huge raindrops started in earnest.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

Looks like about 6 km of great trail. No hail or rain was encountered on trail. The drive home was a different story….

Run 2352 – Blue Balls Sets Lets Loose! Trail from the Reagle Beagle SW

Hares: Blue Balls

Location: Reagle Beagle Pub SW – 5308 17 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3E 6S6


RA: Roaring Nancy
Attendance: 17

This is where it all starts

The Beginning

Blue Balls volunteered to set trail for the pack. As the weather has been hot, hot, hot for the last week or two, this trail would be a test of your survival instincts. Starting from the Reagle Beagle SW, we knew that we would likely be off to the hills and ravines to the west.

Imagine a patio in front in the Summer!

The hashers congregated in the heat and got ready for the run. Blue Balls described the marks and the pack was released.

The Trail

Heading to the west, the trail took in the hills, ravines, roads, sidewalks and trails. Neighbourhoods of Christie Park, Strathcona Park, Aspen Woods and the Westside Recreation Centre.

Insane Bolt acting childish again….

The Down Downs

Back to the patio of the Regal Beagle, Roaring Nancy had accepted the position of RA. Choir was Pyro, Hardly and Hot Cheeks.

The various crimes and offences were rewarded with down down’s. The hare set an epic trail of close to 8 km and was thanked profusely.

Apparently, there was a down down tragedy. Something was spilled by Insane Bolt. He will have to learn to be more careful.

The crowd seemed please with the ceremony, then the group was declared to be “on the piss” by Roaring Nancy.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair, who was not at the run and really had no clue what actually happened.

Trail Summary

A fine trail of 8 km was set by Blue Balls. Pleased to run in these neighbourhoods with the variety or terrain. Note that 69th street was crossed!

Run 2350 – Stampede Run and Float

Hares: Hardly, Pyro, Snow Blower and Dastardly

Location: Song Sparrow Picnic Site, N Glenmore Park Rd, Calgary, AB T0L 1W0


RA:  Skewbic Hair
Attendance: 20

Preparing for the Stampede Run (and float)

The Beginning

The format for the annual Stampede Run was changed. We planned for a Saturday run with a food and beer fest to finish. Hardly and Twisty arranged for the venue, a picnic, aptly named Sparrow Song picnic site located in North Glenmore Park SW.

It was a hot day with lots of sunshine. Great weather for hashing.

Busy place and parking was a bit of a problem. The directions on the website directed us to a parking lot. From there, you were on your own to hear the Sparrow Song and find out where we needed to be.

We gathered for the circle and eventually got ready for the trail.

We new we were in for some excitement as we were forbidden to bring any phones of car keys. A harbinger for what was to come.

Hardly described the marks made in flour, toilet paper, and chalk. As there were four hares, and our proximity to the steep embankments and the Elbow river, we suspected that this would be an epic adventure.

Hardly marks the grass

With phones put away, not a lot of pictures for the circle and the trail. As such, you need to imaging On In getting the circle together. Introduction of the archives, announcements, and introductions. Now we were ready to run.

The Trail

We started the trail toward the Weaselhead wilderness area. However, a check at the top of the cliff meant that some had to go down the steep trails for be rewarded with check backs.

The forest was very dense and making progress to find marks was challenging. Fortunately, some of us know that there was only one bridge over the Elbow river.

Reacquainted with the group, we followed the pathways through the Weaselhead flats for a long time. Eventually, we were introduced to the river swim portion of the trail. As the snow melt has replenished the reservoir via the Elbow river, the river was deep. To deep to walk so swimming and floating was the only option.

Even Lofty Prancer was insufficiently tall to avoid floating.

After a very long time in the water, and realizing that swimming was not your olympic sport, we arrived at the regroup back the the Elbow river bridge. The refreshments were very tasty, and on ice from a cooler that was transported a long way from the cars for the regroup.

The Down Downs

Skewbic Hair was the religious advisor. A round of down down’s were delivered to the enthusiastic group. Lofty and Roaring Nancy were the choir. Not a lot of evidence of the closing ceremony, but those that were there enjoyed themselves.

All done, on the piss to transition to the food and beverage course.

A fine feast of yummy beef on a bun was enjoyed.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

It appears that we covered close to 8 km, of which 1 km was the raging Elbow river. No one drowned, which a fortunate outcome.

Run 2349 – Daisy Duke and Dastardly Save The Hash!

Hares: Daisy Duke and Dastardly

Location: 2539 33 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3E 7H5


RA:  Hump the Shark
Attendance: 24

Ready for Take Off!

The Beginning

The summer is sometimes a difficult time to get volunteers to set trail. On In had reached out to the group for a hare in the previous week and though he had it sorted. Things changed, and we needed a hare on short notice. Thankfully, Daisy Duke offered to set trail from Richmond Green. Dastardly agreed to help, and we were sorted.

Have not run from Richmond Green SW in the past. Parking lot was busy as it hosts multiple sports from this location. Thankfully, we were able to get parked and work the circle to get this run started.

Sort of looks like a circle could happen here.
Roaring and Rashy

On In got the circle off and running. We had three visitors from California who we were happy to welcome.

The Trail

Once the first marks were discovered, the pack was off to explore the neighbourhoods around Richmond Green.

As the pack wandered around aimlessly, a wave of confusion arose. Part of the pack became renegades and broke off to make their own trail. Eventually, they realized that no marks have been found and rejoined the main pack.

Playgrounds were in abundance. Various playing techniques were employed to make the most of the equipment.

More streets, allies and parks were explored in between playground stops.

Eventually, we made it through the tight streets and alleys in the new neighbourhood where Currie Barracks used to be. Entertaining playground equipment.

After we were all played out, we found the regroup and a suitable location for the mosquitos and ants to share in our celebrations.

Regroup and Down Down’s

Outside down downs were in order. A circle in the park was formed and things started to take shape.

Hump the Shark seems to like this Religious Advisor thing as he once again volunteered himself. Choir was selected with Pull my Woody and Sticky Lips initially.

Eventually, we were all though the ceremonies and declared “on the piss”. Some headed out to the Richmond Pub for continued celebration.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

The Trail Summary

The trail ended up to be close to 7 km’s. Good neighbourhoods for hashing and a fine trail was set by Daisy Duke and Dastardly.

Run 2348 – Canada Day Run

Hares: Hardly and Can You Hear Me Now

Location: 7803 14 St NW #6955, Calgary, AB T3K 2P6


RA:  Hump the Shark
Attendance: 18

Canada Day with a view!

The Beginning

The Canada Day Run is a Calgary hash tradition. Coincidentally, Canada Day falls on a Monday, a hashing day! Hardly and Twisty volunteered to look after the run and wind up with yummy food back at their place after the run. This was an afternoon run. In Calgary, that means that you can see the thunder storms closing in on you from a great distance. With a significant hail event the day before, we were paying attention to the colour of the sky.

The run start was at the Berkshire Gate parking lot for Nose Hill Park in the North West. This was an afternoon run, so we gathered together for a 2:00 pm start. The weather was great at the start of the run. The rain clouds were off in the distance, so not a problem yet!

On In got the circle together and we prepared for the Nose Hill run.

On In ran the circle. We have a milestone with Liquor Lots achieving 200 runs. Introduced our visitor from Wisconsin, USA, and got the hares in the circle to introduce the marks for today’s run.

Four flags indicated a “beer hunter” opportunity. Some beer had been placed in the forest for hashers to find! We were reminded that there is a lot of uphill in Nose Hill. Mountain climbing fans would not be disappointed.

With instructions complete, the hash was off.

The Trail

Nose Hill Park, to no one’s surprise, has hills. It also has wilderness areas. There was an abundance of grass, flowers, trails and views to be enjoyed.


After a thorough investigation of the available trails, the marks eventually lead us back to the start. In the parking lot, the regroup vehicle was complete with suitable refreshments and the dark clouds had left to rain somewhere else.

The hash completed the parking lot activities successfully, then on the food and down downs nearby.

Down Down’s and Festivities

No better way to celebrate Canada day then with a BBQ and beer. We filled up the back yard with happy hashers and enjoyed the chips and goodies prior to the down down’s.

Hump the Shark nominated himself for RA duties, and assigned Roaring Nancy and Rashy Bush as the choir!

Hump the Shark went through a comprehensive list of crimes, rewards, and offences.

And now, what we have all been waiting for, time to celebrate 200 runs for Liquor Lots. She has been in training for some time now, and was prepared to show us what she can do!

Not the fastest half yard consumption record, but a solid effort. A fine display of beer drinking competency.

With all the crimes and stories completed, it was declared to be “on the piss”, and let the BBQ begin!

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

A challenging trail run with sensational views and the bonus “beer hunter” experience. Something in the 4+ ish range, with the elevation changes to keep it real.

Run 2343 – Birthday Special – Breaking in the New Digit

Hare: Camshaft and Mmmmm Lady Fingers

Location: 4616 Vegas Rd NW, Calgary, AB T3A 0M9


RA: Hump the Shark
Attendance: 34

The Beginning

This run has been in the planning stages for years. The important consideration was a birthday marking the beginning of a new decade of an important hasher. Mmmm Lady Fingers has crossed of the chasm of aging, leaving the serenity of the 50’s for the turbulence of the 60’s. She has embraced this challenge with multiple birthday celebration events, culminating with Run 2343, the birthday run.

The run was set from their Varsity mansion, enabling the hash to check our the various pathways and parks in the neighbourhood. An epic trail was planned and executed, drawing a large crowd of 34 hashers, including archives and new boots! Word was out that this was an event not to be missed.

The group circled up in the laneway to receive the instructions to follow to complete the trail.

Introductions, announcements, run marks description now done, the pack was released.

The Trail

The pack was released to find the marks. The trail took them through the pathways and alleys within earshot of Crowchild Trail. A clever false trail using the pedestrian bridges by the light rail transit station created confusion for most of the pack. Parks and frolic galore. Eventually, the trail was solved the the smarter hashers and all was good.

On on!

Playtime was appropriately observed in all parks that were on trail. Scaring some small children in the process!

PMS working on her portfolio

The Regroup

In the absence of any evidence of a regroup, I will insert a proxy photo from a past run.

And then, legitimate regroup pictures appears from the interweb! A large turn out deserves a big picture!

Good size group poses for a regroup shot!

The Down Downs

Hump the Shark was RA and singled out Lofty Prancer and Hardly as choir.

It’s that look…..

Through the line up, apparently the hare was down downed for setting a shitty trail and extending a birthday to a birth week celebration!

New boot and Can You Hear Me Now (CYHMN) for 300 runs.

We have archives in abundance. A good turn out from the old gang. Birthdays do that for some people…..

Beaver Flats, Hot on Trail, Bum Titty, Night Stalker and Can You Hear Me Now (CYHMN)

Apparently Strap On wore new shoes and was able to savour the new shoe taste!

Stork like stretching from Daisy Duke and CYHMN. This is what scares people away from the group.

A naming happened. Just Amy finally did something that warrants a name. The story goes that Just Amy was wearing an “M” word shirt, celebrating the Bacchus Marathon. Bacchus is a wine company.

The literati in the hash came up the “Bacchanal”, a follower of Bacchus. The dictionary supports this with the definition: “an occasion of wild and drunken revelry“.

And there is more….

The nocturnal version of the Bacchanalia involved wine-drinking to excess, drunkenness and the free mingling of the sexes and classes; the rites also involved loud music.

Bacchanal will carry this name forward in the hash universe with pride.

There were other offences too numerous to catalogue. Here is a collage of some of the outcomes.

Eventually, the formal closing ceremonies were done and it was “on the piss”. Let the after party begin….

Apparently the birthday buzz was still strong and the monumental naming kept an amount of momentum for the group. Not sure of the details, but ask those involved if the party ever really ended….

Scribed in absentia by Skewbic Hair, with copious material from Mmmmm Lady Fingers, PMS, Liquor Lots, Hump the Shark and King Shit.

The Trail Summary

A fine trail of 6’ish km’s. Great trails through the neighbourhood with fantastic views.