Hares: Insane Bolt
Location: Pazzer’s Saskatchewan Pub Montgomery NW
5032 16 Ave NW #1, Calgary, AB T3B 0N3
RA: Hump the Shark
Attendance: 11

How Cold Does This Look?
The Beginning
With no hares in the program, being a Hashmaster can have it’s challenges. As such, Insane Bolt was coerced into setting trail. His plan was to make it a long one, with words like Ultra Marathon used to describe his intentions.
Weather can be a fickle thing in Calgary. Last weeks heat wave was soon forgotten as the polar vortex settled in for some time, Running in temperatures of -25C requires some special provisions. Layers and dry clothes to change into are a must.
The temperatures filtered out some of the fair weather types, so our numbers were a bit down this week. It is not the quantity of the group, but the quality. As such we had 11 hard core hashers present to enjoy the run that Insane Bolt had produced for us!
Through the ice fog, snow and slippery roads, the group assembled at Pazzer’s Saskatchewan Pub. For those that are not familiar, this pub is a bastion of all things Saskatchewan. Like an oasis for those that long for a touch of Regina in Calgary.
Inside was busy, cramped but warm as we got ready for the run.

With all the late cummers accounted for, it was time to head out and circle up.

PMS conducted the circle and our hare, Insane Bolt, was summoned into the circle to describe what he had planned for us.

Insane pointed a direction and the cold hashers started to look for marks.
The Trail
Through the community of Montgomery, we found marks and followed them. Surprisingly, there are hills in the neighbourhood, with most of them going up!

We stopped at the viewpoint for those in our group, and a picture was taken to record the event.
Apparently, the other half of the running group was elsewhere, having been befuddled by the interpretations of the marks. Eventually, they were found and no one died. They did send us some pictures to prove they were on trail!

Off through the wonders of Bowness and the bridge crossings along the Trans Canada highway, always a good time!

Off toward Shouldice Park and a run through the pathways by the river. It was cold. Eventually, we ended up at the regroup to enjoy beer slushy’s. We were somewhat concerned about the missing hashers, but they eventually made it to the end and all was good!

With outdoor refreshments done, it was time to dress for inside down down’s. Dump the wet clothing and ward off hypothermia.
Off to the inside where we packed the pub with a full table of happy hashers. The locals were amused with the invasion.

It was decided to splash out for suitable down down beer, the honour and recognize the intrepid group that enabled the continued operation of the group!
Hump the Shark declared “sitting down down’s” and we were set to go.
Choir was Scoobie and Lazy Cummer and the program was started.

Around the table we went with down down’s for everyone!

After we exhausted the stories and the crimes, the Religious Advisor declared the group to be “on the piss”. The group settled in for more socializing and refreshment prior to heading out into the cold.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.
Trail Summary
We run over 5 kms is the cold. There were shortcuts available for those that needed them. In addition, Insane Bolt had some extra distance for those so inclined. A great run in the cold.