Tag Archives: Great Trail

Run 2385 – Polar Vortex Long Run

Hares:   Insane Bolt

Location: Pazzer’s Saskatchewan Pub Montgomery NW

5032 16 Ave NW #1, Calgary, AB T3B 0N3


RA:  Hump the Shark

Attendance: 11

How Cold Does This Look?

The Beginning

With no hares in the program, being a Hashmaster can have it’s challenges. As such, Insane Bolt was coerced into setting trail. His plan was to make it a long one, with words like Ultra Marathon used to describe his intentions.

Weather can be a fickle thing in Calgary. Last weeks heat wave was soon forgotten as the polar vortex settled in for some time, Running in temperatures of -25C requires some special provisions. Layers and dry clothes to change into are a must.

The temperatures filtered out some of the fair weather types, so our numbers were a bit down this week. It is not the quantity of the group, but the quality. As such we had 11 hard core hashers present to enjoy the run that Insane Bolt had produced for us!

Through the ice fog, snow and slippery roads, the group assembled at Pazzer’s Saskatchewan Pub. For those that are not familiar, this pub is a bastion of all things Saskatchewan. Like an oasis for those that long for a touch of Regina in Calgary.

Inside was busy, cramped but warm as we got ready for the run.

With all the late cummers accounted for, it was time to head out and circle up.

Sort of a circle

PMS conducted the circle and our hare, Insane Bolt, was summoned into the circle to describe what he had planned for us.

Insane pointed a direction and the cold hashers started to look for marks.

The Trail

Through the community of Montgomery, we found marks and followed them. Surprisingly, there are hills in the neighbourhood, with most of them going up!

We stopped at the viewpoint for those in our group, and a picture was taken to record the event.

You can see a lot from here!

Apparently, the other half of the running group was elsewhere, having been befuddled by the interpretations of the marks. Eventually, they were found and no one died. They did send us some pictures to prove they were on trail!

Looks like they will fall over with that slant!

Off through the wonders of Bowness and the bridge crossings along the Trans Canada highway, always a good time!

Off toward Shouldice Park and a run through the pathways by the river. It was cold. Eventually, we ended up at the regroup to enjoy beer slushy’s. We were somewhat concerned about the missing hashers, but they eventually made it to the end and all was good!

PMS survived…..

With outdoor refreshments done, it was time to dress for inside down down’s. Dump the wet clothing and ward off hypothermia.

Off to the inside where we packed the pub with a full table of happy hashers. The locals were amused with the invasion.

It was decided to splash out for suitable down down beer, the honour and recognize the intrepid group that enabled the continued operation of the group!

Beer Wench provided a full serve!

Hump the Shark declared “sitting down down’s” and we were set to go.

Choir was Scoobie and Lazy Cummer and the program was started.

Around the table we went with down down’s for everyone!

After we exhausted the stories and the crimes, the Religious Advisor declared the group to be “on the piss”. The group settled in for more socializing and refreshment prior to heading out into the cold.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

We run over 5 kms is the cold. There were shortcuts available for those that needed them. In addition, Insane Bolt had some extra distance for those so inclined. A great run in the cold.

Run 2384 – Rabbie Burns Memorial Run

Hares:   Hump the Shark

Location: Bobby’s Place Pub Legacy SE

47 Legacy View S E #2150, Calgary, AB T2X 4A7


RA:  On In and Snevil

Attendance: 25

You can see Calgary from here!

The Beginning

In the celebration of Robbie (Rabbie) Burns, the Scottish poet and lyricist , lived from 25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated worldwide.

Hump the Shark volunteered to set trail for the Robbie Burns tribute run. All things Scottish was the theme. The location was in the deep south community of Legacy, which is most of the way to Okotoks. Bobby’s Place Pub is a Scottish themed eatery which had Haggis on the menu.

With succinct GPS coordinates, finding the place only took more time than you could have imagined. Those coming from the north could have been most of the way to Banff if they were heading west. Nevertheless, the venue offered a view into a new section of town and distant views of downtown from top of the river bank!

The weather was good with above freezing temperatures. Perfect for high quality ice and slippery conditions. Hashers arrived to the pub and began their preparations for the evening trail.

Bobby’s Place Pub

The pack was instructed to head outside for the circle.

PMS called the circle to order and we went through the introductions. New boots, archives and a good turn out for such a southern location.

Hump the Shark was called into the circle to describe the marks.

There was flagging described as well as mention of a walkers trail. The hash was released into the neighbourhood to find the marks.

The Trail

Off we go in all directions. Plenty of ice to navigate and much confusion. Tiny marks widely spaced. Eventually, we found the beginning of the trail and the pack as off.

Parks were present, so playing was a thing. Shiny new playground equipment offered some new play experiences.

From the top of the river bank, there were some great views of downtown, which was very far away.

More urban exploring uncovered evidence of a civilization that must have existed in Legacy prior to the redevelopment. There is some chance that this is fake.

Apparently there is some unique wildlife on the pathways . No camels or elephants were spotted and we heard no one speaking to their dogs.

More wilderness, pathways, parks and sidewalks lead us to the regroup.

After what seemed to be a long time, the regroup was discovered and all was put right.

Off to the pub to conduct the down down’s

The Down Down’s

We presented a large group to the pub and they were able to accommodate us. They had haggis on the menu which was popular with the Scottish aligned crowd.

We gathered and figured out where to sit and what to order prior to the commencement of the down down cerimonies.

On In and Snevil got to work to start the down down’s. On In looked after the Scottish piece and Snevil did the rest.

On In and Snevil preparing for the down down’s

A choir of King Shit and Tighty Whitey was selected and we were ready to go.

With the Robbie Burns theme, On In educated us on all things Scottish, and provided a tribute to the haggis. In spite of the lack of simultaneous translation, the delivery was excellent.

More crimes and punishments were handed out by Snevil.

More offences came forward. Something to do with clothing redistribution on trail.

Hard to keep track of the multiple offences, but here are the people that were honoured.

During the festivities, a beer was sacrificed and created quite a mess and a workplace hazard. A quick response from the spill response team made everything right again.

Recovering from the beer mishap, more hashers were called up to received down down’s.

With all crimes disclosed and worked with, we were declared “on the piss”, and a down down was given to the RA’s.

Down down for the religious advisors

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

A fine trail of some 7 km’s was enjoyed by all that ran with the pack this evening. Great terrain and extremely high quality ice. Strap On crampons are a must for this type of weather.

Run 2383 – Three Hares from Two House

Hares:   OPP, Liquor Lots and Lazy Cummer

Location: Two House Brewing Taproom and Pizza

1901 10 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3C 0K3


RA:  Hump the Shark

Attendance: 29

Hardly Downhill!

The Beginning

With much celebration, we have three hares stepping up for set trail in mid January. Ozzie Pizzle Pants (OPP), Liquor Lots (LL) and Lazy Cummer (LC) joined forces to set a fantastic trail from Two House Brewing Taproom and Pizza in the Sunalta neighbourhood, in the shadow of the C-Trail tracks.

Even better, Two House has declared $5.00 pints for the month of January. Is that not a good reason to patronize this establishment? In addition, plenty of great terrain for the trail.

Trail setting was done in the cold weather on Sunday (-20 C). Monday chinook winds warmed things up to -4 C. We gathered inside prior to the run start.

Insane Bolt announced it was time to circle up in the rear parking lot of the pub.

Insane Bolt ran the circle. We had visitors, archives and newish boots.

Insane Bolt runs the circle. Nice onesie of shame!

The hares were called into the circle and explained the marks we needed to follow for the trail.

Hares ready to show us the marks……Gravel parking lot not the greatest. Time to improvise.

The hares pointed in a westerly direction and the pack was off.

The Trail

A few misleading marks lead to false trails. After the requisite fumbling around, true trail was discovered.

Hardly scopes out the view

Finally, a park was found and the playing and sliding was engaged in earnest.

Down the hill and through the neighbourhood prior to finding the stairs that must be climbed.

Nothing ever happens here!

We eventually made it to the pathway beside the river. This was a long stretch of distance with few options. We found the regroup under the C-Train tracks close to the pub. Refreshments were appreciated!

F4 scopes out the regroup

After our refreshments, it was back to the pub to get sorted out for down down’s.

Down Down’s

Inside Two House was warm and dry. The smell of fresh pizza was present. The pack settled in as the Religious Advisor got his act together.

Plenty of space
Hump the Shark ready to go

Choir selected with Snevil and Roaring Nancy. The sang to them selves and enjoyed a refreshment.

Choir – Roaring Nancy and Snevil

A number of crimes and transgressions were brought to light, as well as the acknowledgement of the hares. Scoobie was called up to be a stunt double for Just10 Beaver, who had escaped prior to receiving her down down. Scoobie handed off the photo taking duties to others.

Selfie from the photo taker

Eventually, Hump the Shark ran out of beer and material and we were “on the piss”.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

We were pleased that the weather warmed up for the run. Happy that the hares set trail in the -20C range, -4C seemed balmy. Total distance in excess of 5 km.

Run 2378 – Boxing Day Boxer Shorts Run

Hares:   Hardly and Twisty

Location: Hardly and Twisty’s Place NW

104 Bermuda Way NW, Calgary, AB T3K 1G9


RA:  Skewbic Hair

Attendance: 14

Boxing Shorts Run on Boxing Day

The Beginning

A tradition in the Calgary Hash is to conduct a Boxing Day Run after Christmas, which hashers adorned with boxer shorts, a box, or other costume to celebrate this special day.

As this is an afternoon run, no headlights required. The group assembled at the Hardly Twisty residence in the NW community of Beddington.

The group of intrepid daytime hashers assembled in the Boxing day finery in anticipation of the run. With Boxer shorts and other box themed costume, the group was ready to run.

I wonder who belongs to those boxes?

Conveniently, hashers Dirty Dancer and Mouthful live across the street from Hardly and Twisty. Not only were they in attendance, but the hash used their driveway for the circle!

In the absence of anyone that looked like a Hash master, Hash mattress or Past-it-master, Booty Camp conducted the circle. She know the correct number for the run and went through the introductions.

Booty Camp introduced the hares and we were given a description of the marks to expect for this run. Circles were replaced by squares The group needed some time to figure out what this meant, but eventually figured out that the squares were in fact boxes.

The hash was released to find the check backs that Hardly had placed at the beginning to destabilize the pack. Eventually, true trail was discovered and followed

The Trail

Beddington is on the side of Nose Hill. As such, there is an overabundance of uphill that was delivered to the group. No getting away from it.

Through the sidewalks, streets alleys and pathways, marks were in abundance.

Eventually, we were delivered to a plateau with a view of the airport. A group photo of those that chose to be part of the running faction.

Happy Hashers
Airport this way!

The hair did not want us to think that the viewpoint was the peak of the run, there was more uphill to be discovered and the distance increased.

Some of the pathway features were quite interesting. Apparently, it is good practice to chain up your buffalo statue to prevent theft.

Rashy Bush was out to set a personal best with her speed and perseverance. How to go from front of the pack to the back of the pack with the discovery of some key check backs.

The walkers provided some evidence of live hares on the trail, plus some interesting Christmas decorations.

Thankfully, it was all downhill to the regroup where beverages and snacks were available.

Beverages and shelter for post run celebrations

The down down’s were conducted in the garage. A good choice instead of making a mess in the kitchen!

The Down Down’s

Skewbic Hair was pre-selected to be the religious advisor for the afternoon. He solicited material from the group and imagined a program for the celebration.

Normally tied up with photo taking for the run, Scoobie offloaded the task to Tighty Whitey for the down down’s.

Too bad we did not get the whole can of beer in the frame..

Scoobie requested that the group think of songs, as a choir was a bit much for the special group. The hares were called up first and we sang them a fine song about the shitty trail.

A number of offences were observed on trail and a series of down down’s were delivered,

The photographer declared that we needed a group photo to share with those that were not able to be here is person. Look at all the fun they missed!

Look at all this fun!

With everything complete, it was time for Scoobie to declare “on the piss” so we could move on to the feasting portion of the day.

On the piss,

The Hardly Twisty’s put on a fine feast of pot luck goodies. Very yummy and tasty. Nothing like a big feast in the afternoon to bulk up for the post Christmas season!

Trail Summary

A challenging trail through the hilly neighbourhoods, lasting somewhere between 5 and 6 kms. Great views and plenty of uphill!

Hash Extra

As you may or may not be aware, the is the location that donated the Christmas tree to the Alberta government MacDougall School this year.

Ask Auntie Frank if he has any idea how this happened……

Run 2377 – All I Want for Christmas is to Hash

Hares:   Snow Blower and Booty Camp

Location: Evil Corporation Brewing

1220 20 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2T 1M8


RA:  Tighty Whitey

Attendance: 23

View from Scotsman Hill SE

The Beginning

With Christmas close, fitting in a bunch of runs in a row can be challenging. Thankfully, Booty Camp and Snow Blower volunteered to set this trail from a tap room in Ramsey. Evil Corporation Brewing was the start point for the run. We gathered inside in their space age venue and prepared for the run to get started.

The group assembled with a number of visitors who were in town for the Christmas season. This was balanced by a bunch of the regulars that were out of town. In all, we had 23 runners out which was quite a respectable number for this time of year.

A few inside picture of the gathered hashers in the better lighting.

Outside to the parking lot to get this show on the road. In the absence of our Hashmasters (PMS and Insane Bolt), Past-It-Master On In ran the circle.

On In went through the formalities and introduced the visitors and archives to the group. The hares, Booty Camp and Snow Blower were called into the circle to describe the marks that had set for the trail.

The hares point in a vague direction to the Southwest and the pack was released.

The Trail

Off into the streets and sidewalks illuminated with the soft glow of the street lights. We suspected that some hill climbing was going to be part of the run as there was mention of a view point.

Marks were found and followed to the best of our ability.

Yes there was some hill climbing and some long check backs laid out for the pack to enjoy. Eventually, we made it to the view point and spent some time taking it all in!

View of downtown past the Saddledome
A display of some of the ultra reflective clothing worn by some. Slippy simply radiates…..

What goes up must come down. What do you think the chances of having a check back at the bottom of the stairs! 100%

Once the sheeple realized that the stairs were a set up, off we went to find more terrain and Christmas lights in the neighbourhood of Ramsey.

Eventually, the regroup was discovered and tasty libations were enjoyed.


From the regroup, the pack made their way back to the Evil Corporation Brewing location.

The Down Down’s

Evil Corporation Brewing had offered us the use of their boardroom as a private room for the group.

Plan B was to go the the open taproom as we had more people than the room could comfortably accommodate.

A bit of a chore to have the single owner/server deal with the group, but eventually beer was delivered to us all and it was time to to get the down down’s underway.

Tightey Whitey volunteered to be the Religious Advisor, and planned to run a Christmas themed business meeting.

Checking who has been naughty or nice!

A choir was selected and the Christmas song book came out of storage to support the program.

A detailed program was planned and delivered, much to the delight of those receiving down down’s.

After much rejoicing, Tighty Whitey declared us done and “on the piss”

On the piss

The beer was good and we continued to enjoy the fine company of the group until it was time to leave.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

A fine trail with great views that was close to 5 km’s. Great views and warm weather were a nice touch…..

Hash Extra

As we all know, hashing can be dangerous. One of our valiant hashers, King Shit, had a bit of a mis step resulting in a broken bone in his finger. We wish KS a speedy recovery from his injury.

Run 2370 – Remember Hardly

Hares:   Hardly

Location: Brickwell Taphouse

6219 Centre St NW #11, Calgary, AB T2K 0V2


RA: Abandoned Pussy

Attendance: 30

Remembering Hardly

The Beginning

Remembrance Day is an annual reminder of those who have contributed to the country we have today. It is up to us to remember the sacrifices that were made for our country.

Hardly agreed to set trail on this special day. Coincidentally, his birthday, he had mapped out a long and hard trail that we would never forget. He chose to partially set trail, and conduct the balance as a “live hare”. As such, we did not see him in the circle as he was out setting and resetting marks to make the trail a success!

The Brickwell Taproom was the starting point. Up in the north, the location attracted a number of northern hashers that we have not seen in a while. A great turnout of 30 people, and weather that was not horrible set the stage for a memorable trail.

The venue was a good place to start from, but not so good for the closing ceremonies as they had a Monday Night Football crowd who had priority. Early closing did not help either, so down down’s in the parking lot.

We gathered inside until it was time to head outside.

The group found a suitable location in the parking lot to circle up.

A happy group who did a great job of remembering that Monday night is a hashing night.

Insane Bolt led the circle and all was well. Archives, announcements and introductions complete.

Insane Bolt resting between circle events

Eventually, it was time for Twisty to describe the marks to follow for the Remember Hardly trail. Hardly was hiding on trail somewhere ready to pounce as a “live hare”.

The Hash was released to find trail markings and follow the trail.

The Trail

Off we went in search of marks. Once found, the pack shouted “On On” and started what would end up being a trail to remember.

As we wandered through these established neighbourhoods, we stumbled upon Hash Test Dummy and Auntie Frank’s renovated property, marked by the “GM”, for the Garage Mahal. A property flippers dream!

Through the streets, bridges and neighbourhoods, we stumbled upon some great views and a playground.

After what appears to be over 9 km’s, the regroup was discovered and the group prepared for outdoor down down’s.

Down Down’s

The group prepared for the down down celebration. Abandoned Pussy was the religious advisor for the evening, and proceeded to pick a choir to start the festivities.

Choir: Scoobie, Mr. Peanut and Insane Bolt

AP got into her program and thanked the hares for setting a trail to remember. Other down downs to the archives and visitors, as well as birthday and trail transgressions.

Eventually, we ran out of material and were declared “on the piss”. Some enthusiasts retired to Citizen Brewing for a debrief.

Trail Summary

A long and hard trail that we will never forget. With checkbacks, some achieved > 9km. A great overachievement demonstration.

Run 2368 – Hat House Harriers Halloween Howl

Hares:   Snow Blower, supported by Booty Camp

Location: Two House Brewing Taproom + Pizza

1901 10 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3C 0K3


RA:  Hump the Shark

Attendance: 26

Hard to Imagine!

The Beginning

With Halloween approaching, the group had to figure out what to do. Some years we have done a pub crawl with full costume, while other years we have been more restrained,

This year, it was a half way “wear a Halloween Hat” theme. Snow Blower set trail with the emotional assistance of Booty Camp from the ever popular Two House Brewing Taproom and Pizza. Close to the elevated C-Train track and the Sunalta neighbourhood, a great location for a run.

Some of us were a bit tardy to the run start, so we were a bit rushed trying to capture the “beginning”. It would appear that many hashers sporting hats were present. Some went “full costume” as that is what makes their world turn. A reasonable turn out of 26 or so hashers was achieved. Did I mention that it is now dark when we start the runs?

Circle time. PMS signals V for Victory!

A few shots to capture the enthusiasm of the group!

PMS used her best bossy tone to get the group organized for the hares to tell us about the trail.

PMS checking her flexibility and clapping to keep the evil spirts at bay

Snow Blow indicated that the first mark was the arrow head west into the urban darkness. The pack was released!

The Trail

Starting along 10 ave SW, in the shadow of the elevated C-Trail tracks, we headed west until we found the check at the C-Trail station. As expected, a massive check back was set up for the keen runners. A large group returned to the check after they realized they had been had.

Hot Cheeks was caught out on a raised access cover on the sidewalks. The went down on trail and was not pleased. I’m sure the city will drop by and fix the tripping hazard at their convenience. Hot Cheeks survived to finish the trail.

Tripping hazard, as demonstrated by Hot Cheeks!

Off through the neighbourhoods, there was endless climbing up to near 17 Ave SW. We were driven by the fact that what goes up must come down. Parks and decoration were enjoyed on the trail.

A viewpoint was promised and delivered.

Off through the neighbourhoods to check out the decorations. The size of the skeletons attracted the interest of some of the Harrierettes.

Camshaft and Booty Camp happy to be there!

On In and Down Down’s

After our regroup, we headed over to Two House Taproom and Pizza. Busy place with trivia going full bore. We had a reserved table, which was good. Food and refreshments were enjoyed, then we retired to the patio for the closing ceremonies.

Eating and drinking

As it appeared that trivia would never end, we headed out to the patio to conduct the down down’s. Hump the Shark was religious advisor. Tighty Whitey, caught bashing, was volunteered to be choir.

The hares were thanked, and many crimes and offences were dealt with.

There was much mirth and merriment focused on Booty Camp’s costume hat. An undue amount of attention to the dangling bits was quite a spectacle.

Eventually, the down down’s were done and we were on the piss.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

The trail was close to 5 km’s of great Halloween romping. Some of us had difficulties in starting our gadgets on time.

Hash Extra

Additional pictures for your viewing pleasure.


Run 2367 – AP Does Mahogany in the Snow

Hares:   Abandoned Pussy (AP)

Location: Mahogany Central Park Playground

Calgary, AB T3M 1N9


RA:  Hump the Shark

Attendance: 16

Yacht Parking in Mahogany SW

The Beginning

Abandoned Pussy was pressured to set trail for the group. Happy to help, she chose her neighbourhood of Mahogany SE which is very far south. In addition, she arranged for the first day of snow to appear on the day of her run. Darkness is also a thing so headlights on at the beginning of the run is now a thing. In spite of all these opportunities, AP pulled it off and set a great trail.

Being this far south, you never know how long it will take to get there. For those living in the North, it was like an expedition. However, those folks that figured it out were entertained by a great trail in the modern new neighbourhood with complete with lakeside mansions and Halloween lights galore.

The start location was in a park called Central Park. Not to be confused with other parks in Calgary also named Central Park, that are not in Mahogany. Google Maps had it sorted.

With diminishing twilight, the runners arrived and a circle was formed.

The park had some interesting features including a significant slide and a hiding place that looked like an airplane fuselage.

As we got things organized, PMS commanded the circle into existence and went through the formalities. A few late cummers missed the circle, so not everyone got a souvenir photo to remember the event. Missed new boot Just Christian, Hardly and Twisty, and King Shit (Vinnie).

We went through the announcements and introductions. Abandoned Pussy was called into the circle to describe the run marks.

The run began in the direction provided by AP.

The Trail

Madly off to find the marks. Those marks that survived the snow dusting were difficult to see. Flagging was good it you knew where to look.

In this high density, new neighbourhood, lots of fancy lights and Halloween decorations. Playgrounds were tested and proved interesting with the new snow.

The fake lake provided some great views of the McMansions with personal docks for their watercraft. Who knew this existed in this part of the world!

Down Down’s

In the park, in the cold, in the snow. What a great set up for down down’s. As such, we opted for an abbreviated version to suite the circumstances. A picnic shelter (of some sort) has some cover to keep our ceremonies someone covert.

Religious Advisor was Hump the Shark. Songs from the group. Get this done!

Apparently there was a half yard celebration. Normally, we try to heat the beer to suitable drinking temperature using a volunteer hasher with the right equipment. Slippy Thong opted for the blanket approach for half yard warming.

Hares, other offences and ultimately the half yard performance made a great abbreviated performance.

LSOS was challenged by the coolness of the beer. As such, the consumption was attenuated to manage throat temperature. After some some, it was all done and we rejoiced! It was not a world speed record.

Art shadow shot!
Normally would have the “its done” shot here. Slow process.

Eventually, LSOS completed his award and we were declared “on the piss” by Hump the Shark.

Some of the group retired to the warmth of the Blackbird Urban Pub for further celebration.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

The scenic trail was slightly over 5 km in length. Quite scenic with all the lights and decorations from this upscale community. Some of us had a longer distance as we did not stop our devices at the end of the run. Have the car travelled distance to the pub included in this rendition.

Run 2363 – 2 Girls, 1 Hash Shit

Hares:  Liquor Lots and OPP

Location: Weaselhead Natural Area – North Glenmore Park

6615 37 Street SW, Calgary, AB T3E 5M9


RA:  Hump the Shark

Attendance: 23

Regroup in Sight, Over there!

The Beginning

Liquor Lots and OPP volunteered to set the run for the week. They chose the Weaselhead Natural Area in the SW by the reservoir. An area notorious for critters, mud, water, dense forest, and steep trails. The perfect location for a hash run.

Both OPP and LL did their due diligence to ensure that the hash would be entertained by the trail they had chosen.

Steep terrain coupled with high water levels provided shiggy galore. We were warned to bring dry shoes and socks to change into after the run.

The other problem we had to deal with is the onset of darkness. This time of year sucks as each day is materially shorter than the day before. Blinding sun at the start of the run, and post sunset conditions at the end of the trail.

Hashers began to gather in the parking lot of North Glenmore Park Weaselhead access. A reasonable turn out of 23 intrepid souls ready to go hashing.

The start of a circle forming

PMS called the circle to order and we went through the announcements and introductions.

The hares in the circle explained the chalk marks and flour marks that marked the trail.

Liquor Lots raised her arm and pointed in some general direction and the pack was released.

The Trail

From the parking lot, some choices on which pathways to take. We have been sucked into the huge steep climb down to the water in the past. We needed to be sure. The sun was blinding.

Many natural sights were observed on trail. Here is a selection of some of the experience that was had by the group.

Does this look upside down?

More shots from the trail that show what a terrible part of the country we have to live in.

As the sun set, and twilight started to take over, we had some climbing to do before the end of the trail.

All good runs must come to and end. We set up the down down circle in the parking lot in anticipation of regroup and down down refreshments.

Regroup and Down Down’s

It was planned to be parking lot down down’s, so bring your own chair.

Getting ready for down downs

A bit of a delay before the keys for the regroup vehicle appeared. This was acknowledged with a down down later in the program.

Hump the Shark was the religious advisor, by unanimous consideration. He selected King Shit and Insane Bolt as choir. Photographic quality deteriorates as the sun goes down. People move way too quickly in the darkness.

The program was delivered with humour, panache and pace. A quick succession of crimes and punishments were delivered to the offending hashers.

In the dark, Hump the Shark declared us “on the piss”. Limited interest in off to the bar for more celebration, so an abbreviated version was conducted in the parking lot in the dark.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

A fine trail of somewhere between 5 km and 6 km. Appreciate the effort to set the wilderness trails, which become more difficult as the dark season encroaches.

Run 2361 – Stoolie and his Stuff from Valleyview Park SE

Hares:  Stool Stuffer and Rashy Bush

Location: Valleyview Park SE

Dover, Calgary, AB T2B OL4


RA:  Roaring Nancy

Attendance: 21

Downtown View from Dover SE

The Beginning

Stool Stuffer volunteered to set trail. Weather was in transition from way to hot to summer is over. Apparently, the run was cool and windy, and the days are getting shorter.

The run start was Valleyview Park SE, in the community of Dover. Some might say it is on the wrong side of the Deerfoot Trail, but, as such, offers some great views. If you can look past the big highway, you can see downtown and the Bow River.

With school now in, our wandering teachers are now back in town, for the most part. An enthusiastic group gather in the parking lot and the circle formed.

Stool Stuffer and Rashy Bush explained the marks and what to look for on the trail. Be careful of the shiggy and prickly things.

Looks like: On, Check, Check Back, Beer Near, Beer Very Near and Regroup

The pack dispersed to find the marks along the trails and in the neighbourhoods nearby.

The Trail

From the parking lot, the trail lead into the neighbourhoods. A combination of streets and pathways as well as some of the finer amenities that the Dover neighbourhood has to offer.

Bench in need of repair.
Nice view!

The city has adopted some of the hash markings for their local needs.

Eventually the trail ran out of marks and the trail was over.

The Down Down’s

Back at he parking lot, the chairs came out and the down down circle formed.

Religious Advisor for the week was Roaring Nancy. He was supported by a choir of Lazy Cummer, Snow Blower and Hardly.

Choir: Hardly, Lazy Cummer and Snow Blower

Numerous crimes were committed. Some of which included:

Hares – Rash and Stoolie, Racists – Slippy Thong and PMS, Triple X-Ray had no chair, so borrowed one. Daisy Duke and his horn, Hump the Shark – 300 runs, but forgot the 1/2 yard vessel. Hash Shit material.

As your hash scribe was absent for the run, the crimes and the pictures are not necessarily all there. Just goes to show you have to be there to take it all in.

On the piss.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

Trail distance was close to 6 km. A scenic run through the neighbourhoods of Dover and Southview.

Scribe Addendum

Golfing in Kananaskis could have been worse.