Tag Archives: hail warning

Run 2354 – On In Selects On In to Set Trail

Hare:  On In

Location:  67 Glenbrook Pl SW, Calgary, AB T3E 6W4


RA:  Hump the Shark
Attendance:  13

Any chance that is a false trail? Are those dark clouds?

The Beginning

August long weekend and the interest in trail setting was low. On In canvassed the group to no avail, and thus selected himself to set trail to ensure the survival of the hash. The burden of the hashmaster.

A suitable run start was selected at the old furniture store, with an available parking lot for outdoor down downs. The smaller group assembled and prepared for the run.

There was a weather situation developing. Something about huge rain and huge hail. Not to worry as we could see that the storm cells would start with the northern communities before we got our share. No reason to panic.

Once a fine place to buy fine furniture

On in calls the circle to order and shows us the marks he has made to describe the trail. Mention of a VP (view point), suggested we would be doing some hill climbing to catch the view.

On In pointed in a direction and the pack was released.

The Trail

Off through the parking lots. False trails were set to provide extra running potential for some.

The false trail at the view point was a nice touch. Back down the stairs to find true trail and some playgrounds for our playing pleasure.

Not all fun and games, there was more trail to be discovered.

Regroup and Down Down’s

The pack made it back to the starting parking lot where refreshments and snacks were available.

An unfortunate incident occurred with a delicious expensive Alberta whiskey product, purchased by a hasher while on trail. So sad, but the smell was delicious.

Hump the Shark was Religious Advisor, self appointed. As the weather was deteriorating quickly, we performed an expedited version of the down downs so we could dispense to safety before the hail emergency.

A fine trail and a fine evening. On the piss declared. Scramble to leave before the huge raindrops started in earnest.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

Looks like about 6 km of great trail. No hail or rain was encountered on trail. The drive home was a different story….