Hares: PMS (Princess Monkey Spanker)
Location: The Mash – 17 Ave and 5th ST SW, 1535 5 St SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1P2
RA: Snevil
Attendance: 17

View Point – Included with Run
The Beginning
Prior to the arrival of the great deep freeze, PMS decided this would be a good time to set trail. Being a beltline resident, she decided to start the trail in one of the trendy new pubs that proliferate this part of town. The Mash (on 17th) were happy to have a crowd to fill up the venue on a quite Monday evening.
With a cool urban location, the associated parking challenge became apparent as the hashers began arriving in earnest. Parking many blocks away enabled some to count steps in addition to the run. The early arrivers engaged the staff in chit chat, in an effort to enlighten them what would transpire after the run was over, and we return to eat and drink!

The remote circle was across the street in an adjacent parking lot. Fine place for the group to congregate in anticipation of what the hare had in store for us.
Everyone seems so happy to be here, with tempered appreciation of the tremendous trail that PMS had planned for us. This start location is at the “bottom” of Mount Royal, and it was slippery but not absolutely freezing cold!

On-In ran the circle. The Hare (PMS), went in to great detail explaining the marks. In her rush to get us going, she neglected to mention the copious amount of orange flagging that were instrumental to following the trail.

The Trail
With the pack released, they wandered off in search of marks. Some marks were found and the trail covered streets, pathways and hills. Slipperiness was abundant, and some hashers (Slow Clap) went down on trail, leaving a lasting impression.

The orange flagging was instrumental navigating the pathway maze by the Glencoe Club. Some hashers got lost, while others just gave up and returned to the start.
There were parks and stairways involved, and many lovely streets as we explored the Mount Royal neighbourhood.

Eventually, a regroup was found, and all were happy. The beer was at a slushy temperature, making it more challenging to consume.
Down Downs
Snevil was appointed RA and proceeded to deliver a fine program.

Happy hashers ready to pack it in for another week. Of note was a special verse of El Camino that was created just for PMS given her offer to host the regroup….in the front. More to follow !
Following is the original verse of El! Camino for PMS:
“She took us to the back, the she took us to the front. She had us in her rear , then she had us in her…..El! Camino El! El! Camino”
Original material from : The Duke of Daisy, the Shark of Hump, the Shit of King …. with assistance for the Hair of Skewbic

On the piss.
Scribed by Skewbic Hair
Something like 6 ish km’s