Tag Archives: Hump the Shark

Run 2351 – Half a Century – Celebration of Life. Hump Day Shark Day Birthday Run

Hares: Hump the Shark with assistance from TSOH

Location: Baker Park NW, Calgary, AB T3L 1S5


RA: Hardly
Attendance: 25

The Beginning

A busy hashing week with the Stampede Run and Float on the weekend, a Hump the Shark birthday BBQ on the same day. Now we have the real deal birthday with a run set my the birthday boy, Hump the shark.

With a start point in Baker Park, which is precariously close to the Bow River, and a hot day….Expect to get your feet wet.

Parking entrance was not easy to find, and apparently there was some confusion with which end of the parking lot to target. In spite of multiple postings and confirmations, there was some consternation with some hashers.

We grouped in the parking lot, eventually to venture over to the horse shoe flinging area to circle up.

Hashers showing up
LSOS ready to run

Circle up, and watch out for flying horse shoes. Hump the shark described the marks chosen as well as special stop. Beside the regular playgrounds an, viewpoints, there would be a “shot stop” at a special location!

Off the pack went madly in all directions. True trail was determined and the hash was afoot.

The Trail

Starting from Baker Park, a number of pathways and attractions abound. Watch out for the disc golfers as they will fling that thing at anything.

Hump the Shark provided us with a variety of pathway, gravel, shoe washing and feet cooling, plus the most uphill trail we have ever had!

Thankfully the primative trails, thick brush, uphill gave way to downhill with views. Playgrounds appeared providing a much needed swinging, sliding and teeter tottering relief.

The “shot stop” materialized with a selection of two beverages best served in small glasses. Thank you to the “friends” of Hump the Shark for hosting the stop.

After what seemed forever, the trail delivered us back to the start where we could get set up for the epic birthday down downs.

The Down Down’s

Hardly was the Religious Advisor. He selected a choir of hashers who mysteriously appeared after the pack had left. It is only fair to reward them for showing up… Strap On and Tighty Whitey, plus Dastardly to make it work.

Down Downs for the hares. Great trail with lots of elevation changes. Happy to see that we all did not get lost in the wilderness section.

Now, there were a series of down downs for various crimes and rewards.

Now, as this was a 50th birthday run for Hump the Shark, and it was the actual day of his birthday, why not feed him 50 down downs and see how that works out. Let’s place them around the horse shoe flinging area and see if that leads to anything good.

The set up:

Without going into too much detail, the primary complaint from the birthday boy was not the volume of beer, but the volume of “bubbles”.

After a fine display of small glass consumption, it was time to call in the “reserves” to participate in the celebration of the birthday with small glass down down consumption support.

Race to the down down station. The call was out to help with the final station and Strap On Cramp On was up for the challenge. She has been practicing and wished to show everyone how proficient she has come!

Hump the Shark was probably thinking that this was the best 50th birthday run he has ever been to. He also appreciates that all those bubbles can be a problem, which was solved.

On the Piss

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

The Trail Summary

We ran somewhere between 7 and 8 kms. Great trails we did not know existed in this area. Fine trail and a fun time.

Run 2334 – Abandoned Humper

Hares:  Hump the Shark
Location:  Pizza Bob’s Classic Pie – Thin Crust Pizza

2610 Kensington Rd NW, Calgary, AB T2N 3S5
RA: Abandoned Pussy
Attendance: 20

Hump the Shark relieves Abandoned Pussy

The Beginning

Last week was shorts weather. This week was cold and snowy. AP was in line for haring, but had to defer to Hump the Shark to fulfill her obligation. As such, Hump the Shark accepted the challenge, and trail was laid. As a reward, Abandoned Pussy was volunteered to be the Religious Advisor. She has these skills and all were happy.

The group assembled in the bar, keeping warm until called outside. With some international types coming back to the cold climate to appreciate the vacations they had recently completed.

Small hashers were out in abundance as well. Great expectations of playground time could be sensed. The parking lot at Pizza Bobs quickly filled up with those hashers that knew how to park well.

On-In mustered the group to outside where the circle formed at the end of the parking lot.

The Trail

The pack was released to find the marks. Orange flagging was part of the marking scheme. One flag for on. No checks or check backs in flagging. The runners headed west to the first marks.

The walkers were told to keep themselves entertained for an appropriate time for a 6 km run. The walkers headed down Parkdale Boulevard to find some suitable terrain for their walk.

This looks like a good direction

Happy park time was had be the little people. The parents complained about being cold and wanted to move on.

Apparently the runners were entertained by a hill climb and a special parkade feature in the hospital. Evidently, what goes up must come down. No complaints were heard from the runners, suggesting that they had a fine time with some quality park time as well.

Not to be outdone, the walkers took in some of the special scenes and attractions of the Parkdale neighbourhood prior to finding the regroup.

The Regroup

As the walkers group was a bit fragmented, and no extra key fobs were delivered, some had the experience of freezing on the sidewalk beside the locked regroup vehicle. Others followed the Beer Meister to the regroup vehicle. The refreshments were not as cold as the outside temperature. Quick work was done prior the seeking the warmth of Pizza Bobs.

Happy regroup walkers!

The Ending

Pizza Bobs was warm and inviting. The group filed in to appreciate the central heating. Good food and beer were available for the appreciative patrons.

The Down Downs

Abandoned Pussy was Religious Advisor for the evening. She had a cunning plan to make sure that everybody got a down down. Part of her plan was to call someone up for a crime, then have them pick the next victim to be rewarded with a down down.

A series of punishments and rewards were delivered in suitable fashion. We are please to see that our new boot “Just Amy” has returned for more fun. A great addition to the group!

With the down-downs complete, we are now all “on the piss”.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair