Tag Archives: Lakeview

Run 2374 – Scoobie and Dastardly Explore Lakeview

Hares:   Skewbic Hair and Dastardly

Location: Bella Roma Restaurant and Pub

6449 Crowchild Trail SW #17, Calgary, AB T3E 5R7


RA:  Camshaft

Attendance: 23

Liquor Lots On Top

The Beginning

In a most conniving fashion, the Hash Mattress (PMS) used charm and persuasion to entrap potential hares weeks ago. With the line, “are you able to set trail for us in the future? ” The answer is “yes”, thinking it has been more than a few weeks since I last set trail. Then she delivers a date which is weeks or months ahead in the future. Foolishly I said “OK” and the trap was sprung.

Over the recent weeks the weather had changed from “nice fall” to “full on winter”. When it came to set the trail, it was frosty and snowy. Nevertheless, with the help of Dastardly, a trail was planned and delivered, much to the delight of the hashers that live for this.

The Lakeview neighbourhood has a network of walking pathways which are narrow and disorienting. Perfect for a hash run. In addition, the theme of “make them pay” was observed with many outstanding check backs which the hash discovered, once lead to the best marks to find them.

Surprisingly, the run day was blessed with chinook weather conditions. Warm winds blew in, a feature which we see in Calgary, and the temperatures were above freezing.

The pack assembled in the pub prior to the run. I am sure that they had no idea of what fun was in store for them.

Starting point for the run

PMS was keeping track of time, and announced that it was time to go out and circle up.

PMS went through the formalities. An archive, Hot Quickie, has rejoined the group after a long absence. Hares were called in and the marks were explained. As the scribe was a hare, he forgot to get photographic evidence of the marks. The flagging was yellow! The pack was released into the planned confusion to start the trail.

The Trail

An abundance of check backs were set at the beginning to destabilize the pack. It seemed that the true trail was elusive until they crossed the street and were rewarded by marks in the alley.

Through the alley to what seemed to be check backs in all directions. The cunning hares had now chosen “cross country” through the deep snow for the pack. There was not much rejoicing.

Some of the features of the Lakeview community include some major roads with associated pedestrian bridges. Sounds like a good plan to acquaint the pack with the sights, sounds and smells of urban exploration.

What every hash needs is an abundance of playgrounds. Thankfully, these were delivered for the group to exercise their playfullness.

It was not time to find more checkbacks before we took the pedestrian bridge back to Lakeview over Glenmore Trail.

Through Lakeview, pack was introduced to the maze of small walkways that go behind the houses.

Apparently, there were hashers that were pressed into community service. Such a shame it was not a beer truck.

More marks, checks and playgrounds before the long alley section that lead back to the regroup.

Best regroup ever!

Through some sort of decision making process, it was decided to do the down down’s outside. It was warm enough and minimizes the use of expensive pub beer.

Down Down’s

Camshaft was pre-conscripted as the Religious Advisor by Hump the Shark. He got his act together as organized the ceremony. Rashy and Stoolie were nominated as choir and we were ready to go.

The program unfolded with a series of acknowledgements, rewards and crimes.

The RA eventually came around to acknowledge the hares for their valiant effort at setting the best trail for those check back enthusiasts. Those that were looking for distance were not disappointed.

Hares! – Skewbic Hair and Dastardly

Eventually, the RA ran out of material and received a down down for a fine performance and declared the group “on the piss”.

The pack retreated to the Bella Roma to sample their beer and pizza. They looked after us well and we will come back!

Slow Clap and Karate Klit discuss the importance of having good chalk

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

The true trail was 5.3 kms. For those that got sucked into the checkback vortex, the numbers were more like 8.5 km. I did not hear much complaining, but I was not really listening. First map is in miles…

RUN 2326 – Lost in Lakeview SW

Hares:  Dastardly and Skewbic Hair
Location:  Bella Roma Restaurant & Pub, Calgary, AB
RA: Hump the Shark
Attendance: 19

Trailway to somewhere!

The Beginning

As there was a gap in the trail setting calendar, On-In volunteered Skewbic Hair to fix that problem. As Scoobie is about to go away for 5 weeks on vacation, something including the World InterHash in NZ, he capitulated. As such, the plan was to set trail in Cedarbrae with On-In at Swigs Pub. Who knew Swigs was closed on our Hash night for a private function. Plan B.

Bella Roma Restaurant & Pub is the gateway to the warren of interconnecting pathways through Lakeview Village. Trails have been set there before, but no trails are the same. Dastardly volunteered to plan the trail, as he has time. Trail was set conveniently after a significant amount of snow had fallen on the very slippery ice that lurked below. No problem, just wear your spikey shoes.

The weather was good and the hashers assembled in the pub. Assessing the food and drink specials for later consumption. We got settled in as the group began to arrive.

All is good, and we proceed outdoors to circle up, which was lead by our co-hashmatress PMS.

No pictures of the hares going through their extensive and detailed explanation of the marks and the use of “yellow” flagging. As the hare is also the photo guy, not surprising. Marks were big and small, Some on low horizontal surfaces while others were on the tree trunks (hard to find). Playgrounds were in the mix. Alas, the pack was dispersed with the runners charging off into the darkness to find trail.

The Trail

The fresh snow made for some slogging through the pathways. Some homeowners are good with snow removal, while others are not. A combination of fresh and stale marks (from the previous Daisy Duke trail) were sufficient to get the pack on-on.

After an overabundance to playground enthusiasm, the trail continued on through the back alleys of Lakeview. Apparently the legacy Beer Near mark from Daisy Duke was followed. As such, the pack make their own trail as they finished off at the regroup. Several carefully laid marks from the hares were not seen by the pack. So sad….

Regroup discovered, and all was made right.

Regroup action

The Ending

Back to the bar after sufficient regroup refreshments were consumed. The group found a place to sit and order whatever they wanted. Great anticipation for the down-downs soon to follow.

The Down-Downs

Hump the Shark, our RA coordinator, is responsible for coercing unsuspecting hashers to volunteer for the illustrious Religious Advisor (RA) duties at the end of the run. Making up stories, citing offences, and generally providing entertainment for the hashers that live for this.

The lack of a volunteer means Hump the Shark gets to do the RA duties. I think he likes this as he does a great job, and doesn’t seem to whimper too loudly about doing this again.

A choir of Hot Cheeks and Strap On Cramp On were a bad choice, as they steered the song selection off the rails. This could become a reoccurring gig as they progress their singing and dancing careers!

The hares were thanked for setting a fine trail. Many offences were brought up and acknowledged. The hash shit was dispensed with appropriately. All crimes were settled!

Down Downs done, we are now On The Piss!

On the piss!

Scribed by Skewbic Hair! Volunteer scribe for the next 5 weeks. Let’s see how that works out!

The Trail

The trail was about 6 km in length. Extra drama with the snow and ice.