Tag Archives: Liquor Lots

Run 2363 – 2 Girls, 1 Hash Shit

Hares:  Liquor Lots and OPP

Location: Weaselhead Natural Area – North Glenmore Park

6615 37 Street SW, Calgary, AB T3E 5M9


RA:  Hump the Shark

Attendance: 23

Regroup in Sight, Over there!

The Beginning

Liquor Lots and OPP volunteered to set the run for the week. They chose the Weaselhead Natural Area in the SW by the reservoir. An area notorious for critters, mud, water, dense forest, and steep trails. The perfect location for a hash run.

Both OPP and LL did their due diligence to ensure that the hash would be entertained by the trail they had chosen.

Steep terrain coupled with high water levels provided shiggy galore. We were warned to bring dry shoes and socks to change into after the run.

The other problem we had to deal with is the onset of darkness. This time of year sucks as each day is materially shorter than the day before. Blinding sun at the start of the run, and post sunset conditions at the end of the trail.

Hashers began to gather in the parking lot of North Glenmore Park Weaselhead access. A reasonable turn out of 23 intrepid souls ready to go hashing.

The start of a circle forming

PMS called the circle to order and we went through the announcements and introductions.

The hares in the circle explained the chalk marks and flour marks that marked the trail.

Liquor Lots raised her arm and pointed in some general direction and the pack was released.

The Trail

From the parking lot, some choices on which pathways to take. We have been sucked into the huge steep climb down to the water in the past. We needed to be sure. The sun was blinding.

Many natural sights were observed on trail. Here is a selection of some of the experience that was had by the group.

Does this look upside down?

More shots from the trail that show what a terrible part of the country we have to live in.

As the sun set, and twilight started to take over, we had some climbing to do before the end of the trail.

All good runs must come to and end. We set up the down down circle in the parking lot in anticipation of regroup and down down refreshments.

Regroup and Down Down’s

It was planned to be parking lot down down’s, so bring your own chair.

Getting ready for down downs

A bit of a delay before the keys for the regroup vehicle appeared. This was acknowledged with a down down later in the program.

Hump the Shark was the religious advisor, by unanimous consideration. He selected King Shit and Insane Bolt as choir. Photographic quality deteriorates as the sun goes down. People move way too quickly in the darkness.

The program was delivered with humour, panache and pace. A quick succession of crimes and punishments were delivered to the offending hashers.

In the dark, Hump the Shark declared us “on the piss”. Limited interest in off to the bar for more celebration, so an abbreviated version was conducted in the parking lot in the dark.

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

A fine trail of somewhere between 5 km and 6 km. Appreciate the effort to set the wilderness trails, which become more difficult as the dark season encroaches.