Hares: Snevil, Camshaft, Mmmm Lady Fingers
Location: The Trop Bar & Grill
1501 34 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2T 2B1
RA: Hump the Shark
Attendance: 27

A point with a view
The Beginning
With much enthusiasm, Snevil volunteered to set trail for the hash on what is coincidentally Guy Fawkes day. We are pleased that Snevil stepped forward as this date had not been filled as of last week. Perhaps it is the stigma with the date, for those familiar with the Guy Fawkes story. Back in 1605, Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the English parliament building with 36 barrels of gunpowder. He was unsuccessful and was charged with treason. The day is also know as Gunpowder Treason Day. Look it up if you wish to know more about the fun times of 1605.
In spite of the date, Snevil successfully found a pub that was not closed, booked, or hosting trivia. The Trop was selected for the run start in the Marda Loop/Mount Royal part of town. Historically a dive bar know at the Tropicana, it now represents itself as a venue suitable for a group like the Hash!
Snevil coerced Camshaft and Mmmmm Lady Fingers to assist as this was to be a epic trail requiring many marks.
Hashers appeared and filled up the place prior to the run. With the changing of the clocks off daylight savings time, it was now “really dark” at the start of the run.

Eventually, it was time to go outside to greet the chilly, dark evening. PMS rounded us up and Insane Bolt lead the circle.

Events, awards and archives were acknowledged. Apparently Menage has a significant birthday looming, and was suitably adorned.

The hares were called into the circle to describe the marks for tonight’s trail. Of note were “two view points” and some cryptic symbols that we had to figure out.

There was mention of some pink flagging for the wilderness portions of the trail. The pack was released to find the marks.
The Trail
Off into the dark alleys and streets of Marda Loop in search of marks. On On was called and we followed trail and checked out all the check backs.

We had wilderness trail that was a challenge to follow in the dark.

Eventually, we stumbled upon the regroup wagon and enjoyed delicious beverages in the back alley near the pub.

With the regroup completed, it was on to the Trop for the down down ceremony.
Down Down’s
Now back at the pub, we got ourselves organized and found seats, beer and food. They had pointy projectiles with feathers that looked totally not dangerous in the hands of a hasher.

Time to get this party started. Hump the Shark graciously offered to conduct the event. Appointed Insane Bolt and Liquor Lots as choir and we were set.

The hares, the birthday girl, and other incredible offences were rewarded with down down’s.

Of course there was a birthday just about today. There was much rejoicing and eating little cup cakes.

Hot Liquor, representing the sitting hash, was acknowledged for his great contributions to society.

Eventually, with the cup cakes eaten and no more stories to tell, Hump the Shark declared us “on the piss”.
With all that done, we were able to get back to our mingling and socializing.
Scribed by Skewbic Hair.
Trail Summary
A fine trail somewhere between 7 and 8 kms depending on how many check backs you were sucked into.