Hares: Hot Cheeks and Ménage à Trois
Location: Marda Loop Brewing Company Inc.
3523 18 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2T 4T9
RA: Hump the Shark
Attendance: 25

CH3 MisManagement Revealed!
The Beginning
A lot to pack in to the last run in September. Not only was it orange shirt day everywhere, it was the annual Erections run where new MisManagement is announced.
The start location was the Marda Loop Brewing Company. As Marda Loop is in a perpetual state of reconstruction with associated detours and parking challenges. My GPS directed me on a road that was closed.
Thankfully, we new about the secret parking behind the pub, and all was made good again. People in orange gathered in the pub awaiting the start of the run.
On In and PMS declared that it was time to form a circle outside on the sidewalk. Another feature of the run was impending darkness. The shortness of daylight is becoming more a headlight required condition for enjoying the run.

On In went through the circle. Archives Mydol, No Hare and Hooplala. Snow Blower celebrating 250 runs. The hares were called into the circle to explain the marks for the trail.

Hot Cheeks pointed in a direction and the pack was released.
The Trail
The trail headed off into the streets and sidewalks of the Marda Loop neighbourhood. Many checks and false trail were included in the mix. Eventually, the trail was discovered and followed.

With the light fading, we eventually made our way to the regroup which was in a secret location.

A fine selection of refreshments were enjoyed prior to heading back to the pub for the down down’s and erections.
On In and Down Down’s
We had a section of the patio reserved for the group. As we got settled in, the fine Marda Loop Brewing products came out.

Hump the Shark was appointed as Religious Advisor and the refreshments were poured and made ready.

The choir was Skewbic Hair and Slow Clap. Between the two of them, they knew just about enough songs.
The celebration of the run started with acknowledging the hares. Then multiple offences and crimes before the big event….Erections!

And then, PMS took charge to announce the new mismanagement.
As mismanagement positions are highly desirable and sought after, the back room wheeling and dealing was complete and we had a team engaged to sustain the group for another year.
On In was thanked for his tenure as co Hashmaster, and Insane Bolt will fill his shoes. PMS was coerced in holding onto her Hashmatress role for “one more year”.

There were other changes in the ranks, and this will be posted on the website. Here is a group shot of CH3 MisManagement: 2024-2025.
On the piss was declared and we were done.
Scribed by Skewbic Hair.
Run Summary
The trail ended up close to 5 km’s, depending on how you managed the check backs and false trails.
Hash Extra
As there were plenty of pictures for the run, he is a collection of some shots associated with the run.