Tag Archives: pathways

Run 2356 – Insane Bolt Provides Another Loonie NW Adventure

Hare:   Insane Bolt

Location: Silver Point Pub & Eatery

5720 Silver Springs Blvd NW #8, Calgary, AB T3B 4N7


RA:  On In

Attendance:  20

Viewpoint on the Run – Cliff Diving Opportunity?

The Beginning

We have to be grateful to the Pyro clan for stepping up to run setting in the peak vacation period. Pyro saved the Hash last week, and Insane Bolt stepped up to set trail. We have seen more of the NW in the last month than we have in the last year!

Insane is noted for setting challenging trails.

Hashers arrived at the Silver Point Pub parking lot in anticipation of a great trail. It would appear that there was an archive hasher that showed up, Veggie Wanker. Has not been out for some time. Sloppy seconds returned. He is becoming a regular hasher!

Insane Bolt explained the marks. There was an Eagle /Turkey split for those so inclined.

The Trail

Silver Springs community has an extensive pathway network along the Bow River. Some great climbs with spectacular views. Looks like the pack was going to find them all!

Eventually, the trail was done and the regroup/down down’s were ready to enjoy.

Down Down’s

Parking lot down down’s. The group settled in to enjoy the performance and celebration

On In was the Religious Advisor. He selected a choir of Snow Blower, Camshaft and Blue Balls. A number of crimes were called out.

Eventually, the down downs were declared over, and we were “on the piss”

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

Trail Summary

A fine wilderness and pathway trail with considerable up and down. Distance in the 7 km range.

Scribe Extra!

As your scribe is on vacation at the cottage in Manitoba, the write up was done remotely with material supplied by others.

More importantly, the front steps and entranceway of the cottage are now painted!

Back in Calgary for the next run….