Hares: Pyro
Location: Silver Point Pub & Eatery
5720 Silver Springs Blvd NW #8, Calgary, AB T3B 4N7
RA: Daisy Duke and Lazy Cummer
Attendance: 19
The Beginning
Thankfully, Pyro has recovered sufficiently from some health issues to enable him to continue down the road to recovery to setting the hash trail. We are thankful that Pyro, once again, for saving the Hash from obliteration by stepping up and volunteering to set trail. A good role model for those with an interest in setting trail.
And what it trail it was! Tu Tu’s were present in abundance to acknowledge that this run was happing on a 22 day of the month. Take notice that another Tu Tu run appears in April 2024. Get your Tu Tu’s in order!
The group assembled in the Silver Point Pub & Eatery in Sliver Springs NW. Warm inside and not too busy. A fine location to host the Hash!

The circle was called and hashers assembled outside . On-In lead the circle and went through the formalities of getting things ready. Hash enthusiasm was high anticipating another epic Pyro run.

Pyro was called into the circle to explain the marks. Fairly standard markings with “H” being “on trail”, circle is a “check”, X in a circle is a check “back”.

The Trail
With the pack released, off we go through the wilds of Silver Springs NW. A neighbourhood with many views, vista’s and ravines. Surprisingly, there is also some elevation change as we headed north. Nose Hill comes to mind. Nevertheless, full use of markings on the lamp posts and sidewalks as we continued on our road to discovery of the true trail.

Through the neighbourhood, some features were observed. Apparently it is common the convert your front yard into an ice sheet. I suppose your could make your own ice cubes if your refrigerator can’t do that job. Views of the Ski Hill were extraordinary. With the right gear, you could venture down the hill, across the river, and go for a ski!

The terrain offered a variety of both downhill and uphill. It seemed that the uphill sections were long and hard. As the hare had chosen a counter clockwise direction, the uphill near the end encouraged us to find the regroup.
Like a beacon of light, the parking lot with the regroup vehicle were eventually found. The beverages were offered at the perfect consumption temperature. No beer slushy was observed. Much mirth and merriment ensued until it was time to head back to the bar for the next facet of our adventure.

Off to the pub for the down-downs…
The Finish
The hashers were happy to come in from the cold and enjoy the hospitality that the Silver Point had for the group. We added to their number of happy patrons that evening. People figured out where to sit, what to eat and what to drink.

There was evidence of exemplary beer pouring with just the right amount of head.

Down Downs
Apparently Daisy Duke, with help from Lazy Cummer, were appointed to run the down down’s. They spent a considerable amount of time making up stories, lies, and other citations for those they hand singled out in the group for special treatment. First order of business was to select the choir!

Much celebratory enjoyment was delivered to individuals selected to receive rewards, as evidence by these pictures!

A fine run with a fine finish. We almost forgot to give the hare a down down, but that problem was resolved.
On the piss!
Scribe by Skewbic Hair
The Trail
Close to 5 km, including uphill and the views.