Hares: Dastardly and Skewbic Hair
Location: The Station – Pub and Grill (Riverbend SE)
40 Riverglen Dr SE, Calgary, AB T2C 4L5
RA: Tighty Whitey
Attendance: 17

Thunder Tits Memorial Run
The Beginning
For those of you that are stranded on a beach in Hawaii, or enjoying the climate of Costa Rica, you may not appreciate that Calgary has been treated to a multi day Arctic Vortex weather experience, complete with temperatures colder that you can imagine (-35 C+). As such that though of setting a trail that no one would run was a daunting task. However, Dastardly made a deal with the weather gods and arranged for a heat wave to boost the temperature to something like -14 C, which seems positively warm compared to recent numbers.
The trail, the Second Annual Thunder Tits Memorial Run, was planned for the Riverbend neighbourhood in the SE. Through clever use of the walkways, Dastardly (with help from Map My Run, created a trail of modest distance, taking in the maximum number of playgrounds (7), through the area that TT used to call home. Many a memorable hash event had been hosted at the TT mansion, backing onto the greenbelt.
As the trail was set “the day of” the run, we were able to forewarn The Station that we planned to show up. They were happy to allocate us some space and give us some “team” perks as well! Trail was set in the warmth of the afternoon, a end of trail setting beverage was had and all was well.

At the appointed hour, hashers began to congregate inside in the warm. Eventually, we were called to circle up outside in the dark.

PMS ran the circle by going through the opening formalities including the “toast” to the memory of TT. The Hares were introduced and proceeded to describe the marks, the colour of the flagging, and the features to the trail that had been set, including the fact that there were 7 playgrounds to enjoy.

The Trail
The pack was released into the wilds of Riverbend. A few check backs at the beginning set the tone for the fun to be had. Eventually, true trail was found and the hash was away.

As the pack continued through the neighbourhood, many natural hazards were observed. With the cold weather, the numerous snow snakes had come out of hibernation posing a tripping hazard to the hashers that were not paying attention. Some were orange, some blue, green and yellow .

As the trail continued, more playgrounds were enjoyed. Hump the Shark showed how the clear the slide, should there be a snowdrift blocking your way. Here is the “before” picture.

Select the link below to see the “real deal”.
More parks, then the sign of the regroup was found, and there was much rejoicing as the regroup was enjoyed. No beer slushy this week!

After we had had our fill of beverage, back to the Station to complete the evenings frivolities.
The Down Downs
The group found their way to the warmth of the Station to enjoy food and refreshments!

Tighty Whitey volunteered to be Religious Advisor. The beer was poured and ready for action. Apparently he is practicing advanced techniques in self mutilation, with some sort of bicycle equipment related injury.

The ceremonies started with the hares being acknowledged for their trail. In addition, they were also volunteered to be choir. Much responsibilities for one run….

A variety of offences and misdemeanors were called out. As part of the program, each down down had to guess what type of self mutualization TW had inflicted on himself in order to achieve his new look. Quite entertaining.

A fine time was had by all. On the piss.
Scribed by Skewbic Hair
The Trail
Close to 5 km’s.