Tag Archives: Robbie Burns

Run 2384 – Rabbie Burns Memorial Run

Hares:   Hump the Shark

Location: Bobby’s Place Pub Legacy SE

47 Legacy View S E #2150, Calgary, AB T2X 4A7


RA:  On In and Snevil

Attendance: 25

You can see Calgary from here!

The Beginning

In the celebration of Robbie (Rabbie) Burns, the Scottish poet and lyricist , lived from 25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated worldwide.

Hump the Shark volunteered to set trail for the Robbie Burns tribute run. All things Scottish was the theme. The location was in the deep south community of Legacy, which is most of the way to Okotoks. Bobby’s Place Pub is a Scottish themed eatery which had Haggis on the menu.

With succinct GPS coordinates, finding the place only took more time than you could have imagined. Those coming from the north could have been most of the way to Banff if they were heading west. Nevertheless, the venue offered a view into a new section of town and distant views of downtown from top of the river bank!

The weather was good with above freezing temperatures. Perfect for high quality ice and slippery conditions. Hashers arrived to the pub and began their preparations for the evening trail.

Bobby’s Place Pub

The pack was instructed to head outside for the circle.

PMS called the circle to order and we went through the introductions. New boots, archives and a good turn out for such a southern location.

Hump the Shark was called into the circle to describe the marks.

There was flagging described as well as mention of a walkers trail. The hash was released into the neighbourhood to find the marks.

The Trail

Off we go in all directions. Plenty of ice to navigate and much confusion. Tiny marks widely spaced. Eventually, we found the beginning of the trail and the pack as off.

Parks were present, so playing was a thing. Shiny new playground equipment offered some new play experiences.

From the top of the river bank, there were some great views of downtown, which was very far away.

More urban exploring uncovered evidence of a civilization that must have existed in Legacy prior to the redevelopment. There is some chance that this is fake.

Apparently there is some unique wildlife on the pathways . No camels or elephants were spotted and we heard no one speaking to their dogs.

More wilderness, pathways, parks and sidewalks lead us to the regroup.

After what seemed to be a long time, the regroup was discovered and all was put right.

Off to the pub to conduct the down down’s

The Down Down’s

We presented a large group to the pub and they were able to accommodate us. They had haggis on the menu which was popular with the Scottish aligned crowd.

We gathered and figured out where to sit and what to order prior to the commencement of the down down cerimonies.

On In and Snevil got to work to start the down down’s. On In looked after the Scottish piece and Snevil did the rest.

On In and Snevil preparing for the down down’s

A choir of King Shit and Tighty Whitey was selected and we were ready to go.

With the Robbie Burns theme, On In educated us on all things Scottish, and provided a tribute to the haggis. In spite of the lack of simultaneous translation, the delivery was excellent.

More crimes and punishments were handed out by Snevil.

More offences came forward. Something to do with clothing redistribution on trail.

Hard to keep track of the multiple offences, but here are the people that were honoured.

During the festivities, a beer was sacrificed and created quite a mess and a workplace hazard. A quick response from the spill response team made everything right again.

Recovering from the beer mishap, more hashers were called up to received down down’s.

With all crimes disclosed and worked with, we were declared “on the piss”, and a down down was given to the RA’s.

Down down for the religious advisors

Scribed by Skewbic Hair.

Trail Summary

A fine trail of some 7 km’s was enjoyed by all that ran with the pack this evening. Great terrain and extremely high quality ice. Strap On crampons are a must for this type of weather.

Run 2325 – Robbie Burns Run

Hares:  Hump the Shark

Location:  The Berwick Public House SW

356 Cranston Rd SE #1010, Calgary, AB T3M 0S9


RA: On-In

Attendance: 18

The Beginning

A run in the deep south is always something to look forward to. As the city spreads out and consumes farmland, new neighbourhoods spring up on land that was unknow to the GPS.

Cranston is one such neighbourhood. We were happy that the Berwick Public House is there and able to host the run. The weather has been surprisingly warm, which makes for some really good slippery sections as the snow melts onto the sidewalks.

The theme for the run was Robbie Burns. It would have been his 266 birthday on January 25. Celebrating all things Scottish for this legacy poet, As such, there was a toast the Robbie Burns (with McClelland’s Scotch) at the beginning of the circle.

Robert Burns, also known familiarly as Rabbie Burns, was a Scottish poet and lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated worldwide.

The pack assembled inside the Berwick Public House, waiting for the call to go outside. They had a section put aside for the group which seem to be well suited for our needs.

Eventually, we headed outside to start the run. The group clustered around the streetlight outside the front door of the pub and waited for a signal from On-In to start the circle. Some Scottishness was observed in the circle!

Hump the Shark was brought into the circle to describe the marks he had marked the trail with. A walkers trail was identified! Extra effort to do that.

The pack was released into the wilds of Cranston for find the marks.

The Trail

Multiple check backs started the trail. After much milling about, the pack was finally looking like they found something. The ice and slush mixture on the roads and sidewalks was delightful to run in.

After much running around in a circle, we realized that Cranston is nothing more than a big circle with a couple of pathways behind the houses to try and hide the fact….it is a big circle.

Eventually, the regroup was discovered. Happy hashers with beverages.

Regrouping in style.

The End

We made are way back to the Berwick to get set up for the closing ceremonies. We had the foresight to get a reservation which made it all seem worthwhile.

The group found a place to sit and ordered refreshments and food prior to the Down Down’s start.

On-In was the Religious Advisor. The kick things off, a taste of haggis for the culinary crowd in the group. The question to answer is…”how can this awful collection of meat parts taste so good?” There were some come backs for extra helpings.

With the goodies dispensed with, a choir was appointed. Slow Clap and Hardly were called into action. A series of down-downs transpired with much song and merriment. It is difficult to keep track of all the offences, but there were a few.

Eventually, we were all done. On the piss

Scribed by Skewbic Hair

The Trail

More than 6 km. Even more for the FRB’s.