A birthday run from VayKay Brew Company
Hares: Hung Loose and Ménage-à-Trois
Location: VayKay Brew Company, Garrison Green
2566 Flanders Ave SW Unit 300, Calgary, AB T3E 7H9
RA: Insane Bolt
Attendance: 27

The Story
We have an amazing story this week. Apparently, we have proof that you can reach a significant birthday, and the world is there to support you. The girl at the balloon shop asked if was a 96th birthday. The answer….. no.
Coincidentally, Guy Fawkes was busy on Ménage’s birthday as well! See the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 for details. A great combination of inspirational events.
The Beginning
Vaycay Brew Company is quite new on the scene. As such, parking is challenging. The smart ones that arrived early were able to park in front, then head into the pub to warm up. Ménage was sporting her digits with pride and anticipation. After a bit of fumbling around, the circle was formed and PMS got things rolling. Hung Loose and Ménage-à-Trois explained the marks and the pack was released

The Trail
The pack dispersed in search of the marks. The level of confusion was apparent as the hares had been very frugal with the initial marks. Eventually, after Insane Bolt had exhausted all options, we found the trail that provided a fine tour of the Mount Royal University perimeter.

The secret regroup vehicle was posted within site of the bar. The group was quite spread out, as such, the walkers were there first. The FRB’s next, then finally the balance of the pack. A fine selection of refreshment was enjoyed, prior to the long trudge back to the bar for the closing ceremonies.

Regroup in full swing, waiting for the balance of the pack!
Insane Bolt was acclaimed as RA by Hump the Shark, after much cajoling at the regroup. As Mr. Bolt is new to the position, he was embellished with the finest RA finery to help him with his task!
The group settled down into eating mode. and waited patiently for the celebrations to commence. There was some troubling art work which caught the attention of the hashers. A revolt was averted!

If you look the part, the rest will naturally follow!

A fine choir was selected, with Lying Sack and Cock Tale providing a fine selection of suitable songs. The hares set a shitty trail, a number of transgressions were celebrated and the birthday girl was honoured multiple times. Apparently PMS has hatched a new hash shit, modelled after herself, and was successful in being the first recipient!

Birthday Girl

The Trail
A couple of opinions on where the run went.

On the piss…
Scribed by Skewbic Hair!